Codes für E-Rechnungen (EN 16931)

Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Codes für XRechnung und ZUGFeRD gemäß E-Rechnungs-Standard EN 16931-1. Der europäische Standard für E-Rechnungen definiert, welche Code-Listen für jeden Geschäftsterm (BT-Felder) verwendet werden dürfen, der den Datentyp „Code“ hat, wie z. B. elektronische Adresse, Mehrwertsteuernummer, Währung usw.


Übersicht Code-Listen

Code-ListenTabellennameEN-Geschäftsbegriffe, in denen die Codeliste verwendet wird
ISO 3166-1 — LändercodesLandBT-40, BT-55, BT-69, BT-80, BT-159
ISO 4217 — WährungscodesWährungBT-5, BT-6
ISO/IEC 6523 — Identifikationsschema-CodeICDBT-29-1, BT-30-1, BT-46-1, BT-47-1, BT-60-1, BT-61-1, BT-71-1, BT-157-1
UNTDID 1001 — Dokumententyp1001BT-3
UNTDID 1153 — Referenzcode-Qualifikator1153BT-18-1, BT-128-1
Umsatzsteuer-IdentifikationsnummerUSt-IdNr.BT-31, BT-48, BT-63
Umsatzsteuerkategorie-CodeUSt-KategorieBT-95, BT-102, BT-118, BT-151
UNTDID 2005/ UNTDID 2475 — EreigniszeitcodeZeitBT-8
UNTDID 4451 — Textgegenstands-QualifikatorTextBT-21
UNTDID 4461 — ZahlungsmittelZahlungBT-81
UNTDID 5305 — Steuer- oder Abgaben- oder Gebührenkategorie5305BT-95, BT-102, BT-118, BT-151
UNTDID 5189 — NachlasscodesNachlassBT-98, BT-140
UNTDID 7143 — Artikeltyp-IdentifikationscodeArtikelBT-158-1
UNTDID 7161 — Gebühren-CodesGebührBT-105, BT-145
MIME-Typ-Codes — MIME-CodesMIMEBT-125-1
CEF EAS — Elektronisches Adressschema-IdentifierEASBT-34-1, BT-49-1
CEF VATEX — Umsatzsteuerbefreiungsgrund-CodeVATEXBT-121
UN/ECE Empfehlung Nr. 20 und UN/ECE Empfehlung Nr. 21 — MengeneinheitscodesEinheitBT-130, BT-150

Country Code (Länder)

LandAlpha-2 code
United Arab Emirates (the)AE
Antigua and BarbudaAG
American SamoaAS
Åland IslandsAX
Bosnia and HerzegovinaBA
Burkina FasoBF
Saint BarthélemyBL
Brunei DarussalamBN
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)BO
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBQ
Bahamas (the)BS
Bouvet IslandBV
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)CC
Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)CD
Central African Republic (the)CF
Congo (the)CG
Côte d’IvoireCI
Cook Islands (the)CK
Costa RicaCR
Cabo VerdeCV
Christmas IslandCX
Dominican Republic (the)DO
Western Sahara*EH
Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]FK
Micronesia (Federated States of)FM
Faroe Islands (the)FO
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)GB
French GuianaGF
Gambia (the)GM
Equatorial GuineaGQ
South Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsGS
Hong KongHK
Heard Island and McDonald IslandsHM
Isle of ManIM
British Indian Ocean Territory (the)IO
Iran (Islamic Republic of)IR
Comoros (the)KM
Saint Kitts and NevisKN
Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of)KP
Korea (the Republic of)KR
Cayman Islands (the)KY
Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the)LA
Saint LuciaLC
Sri LankaLK
Moldova (the Republic of)MD
Saint Martin (French part)MF
Marshall Islands (the)MH
North MacedoniaMK
Northern Mariana Islands (the)MP
New CaledoniaNC
Niger (the)NE
Norfolk IslandNF
Netherlands (the)NL
New ZealandNZ
French PolynesiaPF
Papua New GuineaPG
Philippines (the)PH
Saint Pierre and MiquelonPM
Puerto RicoPR
Palestine, State ofPS
Russian Federation (the)RU
Saudi ArabiaSA
Solomon IslandsSB
Sudan (the)SD
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSH
Svalbard and Jan MayenSJ
Sierra LeoneSL
San MarinoSM
South SudanSS
Sao Tome and PrincipeST
El SalvadorSV
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)SX
Syrian Arab Republic (the)SY
Turks and Caicos Islands (the)TC
French Southern Territories (the)TF
Trinidad and TobagoTT
Taiwan (Province of China)TW
Tanzania, the United Republic ofTZ
United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)UM
United States of America (the)US
Holy See (the)VA
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesVC
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)VE
Virgin Islands (British)VG
Virgin Islands (U.S.)VI
Viet NamVN
Wallis and FutunaWF
South AfricaZA
United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)XI

Currency Code (Währungen)

WährungAlphabetic Code
Swiss FrancCHF
Armenian DramAMD
Netherlands Antillean GuilderANG
Argentine PesoARS
Australian DollarAUD
Aruban FlorinAWG
Azerbaijan ManatAZN
Convertible MarkBAM
Barbados DollarBBD
Bulgarian LevBGN
Bahraini DinarBHD
Burundi FrancBIF
Bermudian DollarBMD
Brunei DollarBND
Brazilian RealBRL
Bahamian DollarBSD
Belarusian RubleBYN
Belize DollarBZD
Canadian DollarCAD
Congolese FrancCDF
Unidad de FomentoCLF
Chilean PesoCLP
Yuan RenminbiCNY
Colombian PesoCOP
Unidad de Valor RealCOU
Costa Rican ColonCRC
Peso ConvertibleCUC
Cuban PesoCUP
Cabo Verde EscudoCVE
Czech KorunaCZK
Djibouti FrancDJF
Danish KroneDKK
Dominican PesoDOP
Algerian DinarDZD
Egyptian PoundEGP
Ethiopian BirrETB
Fiji DollarFJD
Falkland Islands PoundFKP
Pound SterlingGBP
Ghana CediGHS
Gibraltar PoundGIP
Guinean FrancGNF
Guyana DollarGYD
Hong Kong DollarHKD
New Israeli SheqelILS
Indian RupeeINR
Iraqi DinarIQD
Iranian RialIRR
Iceland KronaISK
Jamaican DollarJMD
Jordanian DinarJOD
Kenyan ShillingKES
Comorian FrancKMF
North Korean WonKPW
Kuwaiti DinarKWD
Cayman Islands DollarKYD
Lao KipLAK
Lebanese PoundLBP
Sri Lanka RupeeLKR
Liberian DollarLRD
Libyan DinarLYD
Moroccan DirhamMAD
Moldovan LeuMDL
Malagasy AriaryMGA
Mauritius RupeeMUR
Malawi KwachaMWK
Mexican PesoMXN
Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)MXV
Malaysian RinggitMYR
Mozambique MeticalMZN
Namibia DollarNAD
Cordoba OroNIO
Norwegian KroneNOK
Nepalese RupeeNPR
New Zealand DollarNZD
Rial OmaniOMR
Philippine PesoPHP
Pakistan RupeePKR
Qatari RialQAR
Romanian LeuRON
Serbian DinarRSD
Russian RubleRUB
Rwanda FrancRWF
Saudi RiyalSAR
Solomon Islands DollarSBD
Seychelles RupeeSCR
Sudanese PoundSDG
Swedish KronaSEK
Singapore DollarSGD
Saint Helena PoundSHP
Sierra Leone (new valuation 2022)SLE
Somali ShillingSOS
Surinam DollarSRD
South Sudanese PoundSSP
El Salvador ColonSVC
Syrian PoundSYP
Turkmenistan New ManatTMT
Tunisian DinarTND
Turkish LiraTRY
Trinidad and Tobago DollarTTD
New Taiwan DollarTWD
Tanzanian ShillingTZS
Uganda ShillingUGX
US DollarUSD
US Dollar (Next day)USN
Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas (UI)UYI
Peso UruguayoUYU
Unidad PrevisionalUYW
Uzbekistan SumUZS
Bolívar Soberano, new valuationVED
Bolívar SoberanoVES
Bond Markets Unit European Composite Unit (EURCO)XBA
Bond Markets Unit European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)XBB
Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)XBC
Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)XBD
East Caribbean DollarXCD
SDR (Special Drawing Right)XDR
Codes specifically reserved for testing purposesXTS
ADB Unit of AccountXUA
The codes assigned for transactions where no currency is involvedXXX
Yemeni RialYER
Zambian KwachaZMW
Zimbabwe GoldZWG
Zimbabwe DollarZWL

Schema Code

CodeIdentifier scheme name
0002System Information et Repertoire des Entreprise et des Etablissements: SIRENE
0003Codification Numerique des Etablissments Financiers En Belgique
0010Organizational Identifiers for Structured Names under ISO 9541 Part 2
0011International Code Designator for the Identification of OSI-based, Amateur Radio Organizations, Network Objects and Application Services.
0012European Computer Manufacturers Association: ECMA
0013VSA FTP CODE (FTP = File Transfer Protocol)
0014NIST/OSI Implememts‘ Workshop
0015Electronic Data Interchange: EDI
0016EWOS Object Identifiers
0018SNA/OSI Network
0019Air Transport Industry Services Communications Network
0020European Laboratory for Particle Physics: CERN
0022OSF Distributed Computing Object Identification
0023Nordic University and Research Network: NORDUnet
0024Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC
0026NATO ISO 6523 ICDE coding scheme
0027Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN)
0028International Standard ISO 6523
0029The All-Union Classifier of Enterprises and Organisations
0030AT&T/OSI Network
0031EDI Partner Identification Code
0032Telecom Australia
0033S G W OSI Internetwork
0034Reuter Open Address Standard
0035ISO 6523 – ICD
0036TeleTrust Object Identifiers
0038The Australian GOSIP Network
0039The OZ DOD OSI Network
0040Unilever Group Companies
0041Citicorp Global Information Network
0042DBP Telekom Object Identifiers
0044Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI)
0045ICI Company Identification System
0049Auckland Area Health
0052Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)
0053Migros_Network M_NETOPZ
0054ISO6523 – ICDPCR
0055Energy Net
0056Nokia Object Identifiers (NOI)
0057Saint Gobain
0058Siemens Corporate Network
0060Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S Number)
0064UTC: Uniforme Transport Code
0066Roche Corporate Network
0068Intel Corporation OSI
0069SITA Object Identifier Tree
0070DaimlerChrysler Corporate Network
0072NAVISTAR/OSI Network
0073ICD Formatted ATM address
0075Alcanet/Alcatel-Alsthom Corporate Network
0076Sistema Italiano di Identificazione di ogetti gestito da UNINFO
0077Sistema Italiano di Indirizzamento di Reti OSI Gestito da UNINFO
0078Mitel terminal or switching equipment
0079ATM Forum
0080UK National Health Service Scheme, (EDIRA compliant)
0081International NSAP
0082Norwegian Telecommunications Authority’s, NTA’S, EDI, identifier scheme (EDIRA compliant)
0083Advanced Telecommunications Modules Limited, Corporate Network
0084Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
0085Swiss Chambers of Commerce Scheme (EDIRA) compliant
0086United States Council for International Business (USCIB) Scheme, (EDIRA compliant)
0087National Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Belgium, Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
0088EAN Location Code
0089The Association of British Chambers of Commerce Ltd. Scheme, (EDIRA compliant)
0090Internet IP addressing – ISO 6523 ICD encoding
0091Cisco Sysytems / OSI Network
0093Revenue Canada Business Number Registration (EDIRA compliant)
0095Hewlett – Packard Company Internal AM Network
0097FTI – Ediforum Italia, (EDIRA compliant)
0099Siemens Supervisory Systems Network
0100PNG_ICD Scheme
0101South African Code Allocation
0104BT – ICD Coding System
0105Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
0106Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en Fabrieken in Nederland (Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands), Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
0107Association of Swedish Chambers of Commerce and Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
0108Australian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant)
0109BellSouth ICD AESA (ATM End System Address)
0110Bell Atlantic
0111Object Identifiers
0112ISO register for Standards producing Organizations
0114Check Point Software Technologies
0115Pacific Bell Data Communications Network
0116PSS Object Identifiers
0118ATM-Network ZN’96
0119MCI / OSI Network
0121Affable Software Data Interchange Codes
0122BB-DATA GmbH
0123BASF Company ATM-Network
0124IOTA Identifiers for Organizations for Telecommunications Addressing using the ICD system format defined in ISO/IEC 8348
0125Henkel Corporate Network (H-Net)
0126GTE/OSI Network
0127Dresdner Bank Corporate Network
0128BCNR (Swiss Clearing Bank Number)
0129BPI (Swiss Business Partner Identification) code
0130Directorates of the European Commission
0131Code for the Identification of National Organizations
0132Certicom Object Identifiers
0133TC68 OID
0134Infonet Services Corporation
0135SIA Object Identifiers
0136Cable & Wireless Global ATM End-System Address Plan
0137Global AESA scheme
0138France Telecom ATM End System Address Plan
0139Savvis Communications AESA
0140Toshiba Organizations, Partners, And Suppliers‘ (TOPAS) Code
0141NATO Commercial and Government Entity system
0142SECETI Object Identifiers
0144DoDAAC (Department of Defense Activity Address Code)
0145DGCP (Direction Générale de la Comptabilité Publique) administrative accounting identification scheme
0146DGI (Direction Générale des Impots) code
0147Standard Company Code
0148ITU (International Telecommunications Union) Data Network Identification Codes (DNIC)
0149Global Business Identifier
0150Madge Networks Ltd- ICD ATM Addressing Scheme
0151Australian Business Number (ABN) Scheme
0152Edira Scheme Identifier Code
0153Concert Global Network Services ICD AESA
0154Identification number of economic subjects: (ICO)
0155Global Crossing AESA (ATM End System Address)
0157ATM interconnection with the Dutch KPN Telecom
0158Identification number of economic subject (ICO) Act on State Statistics of 29 November 2’001, § 27
0159ACTALIS Object Identifiers
0160GTIN – Global Trade Item Number
0161ECCMA Open Technical Directory
0162CEN/ISSS Object Identifier Scheme
0163US-EPA Facility Identifier
0164TELUS Corporation
0165FIEIE Object identifiers
0166Swissguide Identifier Scheme
0167Priority Telecom ATM End System Address Plan
0168Vodafone Ireland OSI Addressing
0169Swiss Federal Business Identification Number. Central Business names Index (zefix) Identification Number
0170Teikoku Company Code
0171Luxembourg CP & CPS (Certification Policy and Certification Practice Statement) Index
0172Project Group “Lists of Properties” (PROLIST®)
0175Siemens AG
0176Paradine GmbH
0177Odette International Limited
0178Route1 MobiNET
0179Penango Object Identifiers
0180Lithuanian military PKI
0183Numéro d’identification suisse des enterprises (IDE), Swiss Unique Business Identification Number (UIDB)
0185Perceval Object Code
0186TrustPoint Object Identifiers
0187Amazon Unique Identification Scheme
0188Corporate Number of The Social Security and Tax Number System
0189European Business Identifier (EBID)
0190Organisatie Indentificatie Nummer (OIN)
0191Company Code (Estonia)
0193UBL.BE Party Identifier
0194KOIOS Open Technical Dictionary
0195Singapore Nationwide E-lnvoice Framework
0196Icelandic identifier – Íslensk kennitala
0197APPLiA Pl Standard
0199Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
0200Legal entity code (Lithuania)
0201Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa iPA
0202Indirizzo di Posta Elettronica Certificata
0203eDelivery Network Participant identifier
0206Registre du Commerce et de l’Industrie : RCI
0207PiLog Ontology Codification Identifier (POCI)
0208Numero d’entreprise / ondernemingsnummer / Unternehmensnummer
0209GS1 identification keys
0212Finnish Organization Identifier
0213Finnish Organization Value Add Tax Identifier
0214Tradeplace TradePI Standard
0215Net service ID
0217The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Industry establishment number
0218Unified registration number (Latvia)
0219Taxpayer registration code (Latvia)
0220The Register of Natural Persons (Latvia)
0221The registered number of the qualified invoice issuer
0222Metadata Registry Support
0223EU based company
0226FRCTC Particulier
0227NON – EU based company
0228Répertoire des Entreprises et des Etablissements (RIDET)
0229T.A.H.I.T.I (traitement automatique hiérarchisé des institutions de Tahiti et des îles)
0230National e-Invoicing Framework
0231Single taxable company (France)
0232NOBB product number
0233Description not known
0234Toimitusosoite ID
0235UAE Tax Identification Number (TIN)
0236Description not known
0237CPR (Danish person civil registration number)
0238Plateforme.s agréée.s à la facturation électronique (PPF/PDP)

1001 Code 

Code Name Interpretation EN16931
71Request for paymentRechnung
80Debit note related to goods or servicesRechnung
81Credit note related to goods or servicesGutschrift
82Metered services invoiceRechnung
83Credit note related to financial adjustmentsGutschrift
84Debit note related to financial adjustmentsRechnung
102Tax notificationRechnung
130Invoicing data sheetRechnung
202Direct payment valuationRechnung
203Provisional payment valuationRechnung
204Payment valuationRechnung
211Interim application for paymentRechnung
218Final payment request based on completion of workRechnung
219Payment request for completed unitsRechnung
261Self billed credit noteGutschrift
262Consolidated credit note – goods and servicesGutschrift
295Price variation invoiceRechnung
296Credit note for price variationGutschrift
308Delcredere credit noteGutschrift
325Proforma invoiceRechnung
326Partial invoiceRechnung
331Commercial invoice which includes a packing listRechnung
380Commercial invoiceRechnung
381Credit noteGutschrift
382Commission noteRechnung
383Debit noteRechnung
384Corrected invoiceRechnung
385Consolidated invoiceRechnung
386Prepayment invoiceRechnung
387Hire invoiceRechnung
388Tax invoiceRechnung
389Self-billed invoiceRechnung
390Delcredere invoiceRechnung
393Factored invoiceRechnung
394Lease invoiceRechnung
395Consignment invoiceRechnung
396Factored credit noteGutschrift
420Optical Character Reading (OCR) payment credit noteGutschrift
456Debit adviceRechnung
457Reversal of debitRechnung
458Reversal of creditGutschrift
527Self billed debit noteRechnung
532Forwarder’s credit noteGutschrift
553Forwarder’s invoice discrepancy reportRechnung
575Insurer’s invoiceRechnung
623Forwarder’s invoiceRechnung
633Port charges documentsRechnung
751Invoice information for accounting purposesRechnung
780Freight invoiceRechnung
817Claim notificationRechnung
870Consular invoiceRechnung
875Partial construction invoiceRechnung
876Partial final construction invoiceRechnung
877Final construction invoiceRechnung
935Customs invoiceRechnung

1153 Code

Code Values Name
AAA Order acknowledgement document identifier
AAB Proforma invoice document identifier
AAC Documentary credit identifier
AAD Contract document addendum identifier
AAE Goods declaration number
AAF Debit card number
AAG Offer number
AAH Bank’s batch interbank transaction reference number
AAI Bank’s individual interbank transaction reference number
AAJ Delivery order number
AAK Despatch advice number
AAL Drawing number
AAM Waybill number
AAN Delivery schedule number
AAO Consignment identifier, consignee assigned
AAP Partial shipment identifier
AAQ Transport equipment identifier
AAR Municipality assigned business registry number
AAS Transport contract document identifier
AAT Master label number
AAU Despatch note document identifier
AAV Enquiry number
AAW Docket number
AAX Civil action number
AAY Carrier’s agent reference number
AAZ Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) number
ABA Customs valuation decision number
ABB End use authorization number
ABC Anti-dumping case number
ABD Customs tariff number
ABE Declarant’s reference number
ABF Repair estimate number
ABG Customs decision request number
ABH Sub-house bill of lading number
ABI Tax payment identifier
ABJ Quota number
ABK Transit (onward carriage) guarantee (bond) number
ABL Customs guarantee number
ABM Replacing part number
ABN Seller’s catalogue number
ABO Originator’s reference
ABP Declarant’s Customs identity number
ABQ Importer reference number
ABR Export clearance instruction reference number
ABS Import clearance instruction reference number
ABT Goods declaration document identifier, Customs
ABU Article number
ABV Intra-plant routing
ABW Stock keeping unit number
ABX Text Element Identifier deletion reference
ABY Allotment identification (Air)
ABZ Vehicle licence number
AC Air cargo transfer manifest
ACA Cargo acceptance order reference number
ACB US government agency number
ACC Shipping unit identification
ACD Additional reference number
ACE Related document number
ACF Addressee reference
ACG ATA carnet number
ACH Packaging unit identification
ACI Outerpackaging unit identification
ACJ Customer material specification number
ACK Bank reference
ACL Principal reference number
ACN Collection advice document identifier
ACO Iron charge number
ACP Hot roll number
ACQ Cold roll number
ACR Railway wagon number
ACT Unique claims reference number of the sender
ACU Loss/event number
ACV Estimate order reference number
ACW Reference number to previous message
ACX Banker’s acceptance
ACY Duty memo number
ACZ Equipment transport charge number
ADA Buyer’s item number
ADB Matured certificate of deposit
ADC Loan
ADD Analysis number/test number
ADE Account number
ADF Treaty number
ADG Catastrophe number
ADI Bureau signing (statement reference)
ADJ Company / syndicate reference 1
ADK Company / syndicate reference 2
ADL Ordering customer consignment reference number
ADM Shipowner’s authorization number
ADN Inland transport order number
ADO Container work order reference number
ADP Statement number
ADQ Unique market reference
ADT Group accounting
ADU Broker reference 1
ADV Broker reference 2
ADW Lloyd’s claims office reference
ADX Secure delivery terms and conditions agreement reference
ADY Report number
ADZ Trader account number
AE Authorization for expense (AFE) number
AEA Government agency reference number
AEB Assembly number
AEC Symbol number
AED Commodity number
AEE Eur 1 certificate number
AEF Customer process specification number
AEG Customer specification number
AEH Applicable instructions or standards
AEI Registration number of previous Customs declaration
AEJ Post-entry reference
AEK Payment order number
AEL Delivery number (transport)
AEM Transport route
AEN Customer’s unit inventory number
AEO Product reservation number
AEP Project number
AEQ Drawing list number
AER Project specification number
AES Primary reference
AET Request for cancellation number
AEU Supplier’s control number
AEV Shipping note number
AEW Empty container bill number
AEX Non-negotiable maritime transport document number
AEY Substitute air waybill number
AEZ Despatch note (post parcels) number
AF Airlines flight identification number
AFA Through bill of lading number
AFB Cargo manifest number
AFC Bordereau number
AFD Customs item number
AFE Export Control Commodity number (ECCN)
AFF Marking/label reference
AFG Tariff number
AFH Replenishment purchase order number
AFI Immediate transportation no. for in bond movement
AFJ Transportation exportation no. for in bond movement
AFK Immediate exportation no. for in bond movement
AFL Associated invoices
AFM Secondary Customs reference
AFN Account party’s reference
AFO Beneficiary’s reference
AFP Second beneficiary’s reference
AFQ Applicant’s bank reference
AFR Issuing bank’s reference
AFS Beneficiary’s bank reference
AFT Direct payment valuation number
AFU Direct payment valuation request number
AFV Quantity valuation number
AFW Quantity valuation request number
AFX Bill of quantities number
AFY Payment valuation number
AFZ Situation number
AGA Agreement to pay number
AGB Contract party reference number
AGC Account party’s bank reference
AGD Agent’s bank reference
AGE Agent’s reference
AGF Applicant’s reference
AGG Dispute number
AGH Credit rating agency’s reference number
AGI Request number
AGJ Single transaction sequence number
AGK Application reference number
AGL Delivery verification certificate
AGM Number of temporary importation document
AGN Reference number quoted on statement
AGO Sender’s reference to the original message
AGP Company issued equipment ID
AGQ Domestic flight number
AGR International flight number
AGS Employer identification number of service bureau
AGT Service group identification number
AGU Member number
AGV Previous member number
AGW Scheme/plan number
AGX Previous scheme/plan number
AGY Receiving party’s member identification
AGZ Payroll number
AHA Packaging specification number
AHB Authority issued equipment identification
AHC Training flight number
AHD Fund code number
AHE Signal code number
AHF Major force program number
AHG Nomination number
AHH Laboratory registration number
AHI Transport contract reference number
AHJ Payee’s reference number
AHK Payer’s reference number
AHL Creditor’s reference number
AHM Debtor’s reference number
AHN Joint venture reference number
AHO Chamber of Commerce registration number
AHP Tax registration number
AHQ Wool identification number
AHR Wool tax reference number
AHS Meat processing establishment registration number
AHT Quarantine/treatment status reference number
AHU Request for quote number
AHV Manual processing authority number
AHX Rate note number
AHY Freight Forwarder number
AHZ Customs release code
AIA Compliance code number
AIB Department of transportation bond number
AIC Export establishment number
AID Certificate of conformity
AIE Ministerial certificate of homologation
AIF Previous delivery instruction number
AIG Passport number
AIH Common transaction reference number
AII Bank’s common transaction reference number
AIJ Customer’s individual transaction reference number
AIK Bank’s individual transaction reference number
AIL Customer’s common transaction reference number
AIM Individual transaction reference number
AIN Product sourcing agreement number
AIO Customs transhipment number
AIP Customs preference inquiry number
AIQ Packing plant number
AIR Original certificate number
AIS Processing plant number
AIT Slaughter plant number
AIU Charge card account number
AIV Event reference number
AIW Transport section reference number
AIX Referred product for mechanical analysis
AIY Referred product for chemical analysis
AIZ Consolidated invoice number
AJA Part reference indicator in a drawing
AJB U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
AJC Purchasing activity clause number
AJD U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
AJE Agency clause number
AJF Circular publication number
AJG U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation
AJH U.S. General Services Administration Regulation
AJI U.S. Federal Information Resources Management Regulation
AJJ Paragraph
AJK Special instructions number
AJL Site specific procedures, terms, and conditions number
AJM Master solicitation procedures, terms, and conditions
AJN U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation
AJO Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) number
AJP Foreign military sales number
AJQ Defense priorities allocation system priority rating
AJR Wage determination number
AJS Agreement number
AJT Standard Industry Classification (SIC) number
AJU End item number
AJV Federal supply schedule item number
AJW Technical document number
AJX Technical order number
AJY Suffix
AJZ Transportation account number
AKA Container disposition order reference number
AKB Container prefix
AKC Transport equipment return reference
AKD Transport equipment survey reference
AKE Transport equipment survey report number
AKF Transport equipment stuffing order
AKG Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
AKH Government bill of lading
AKI Ordering customer’s second reference number
AKJ Direct debit reference
AKK Meter reading at the beginning of the delivery
AKL Meter reading at the end of delivery
AKM Replenishment purchase order range start number
AKN Third bank’s reference
AKO Action authorization number
AKP Appropriation number
AKQ Product change authority number
AKR General cargo consignment reference number
AKS Catalogue sequence number
AKT Forwarding order number
AKU Transport equipment survey reference number
AKV Lease contract reference
AKW Transport costs reference number
AKX Transport equipment stripping order
AKY Prior policy number
AKZ Policy number
ALA Procurement budget number
ALB Domestic inventory management code
ALC Customer reference number assigned to previous balance of
ALD Previous credit advice reference number
ALE Reporting form number
ALF Authorization number for exception to dangerous goods
ALG Dangerous goods security number
ALH Dangerous goods transport licence number
ALI Previous rental agreement number
ALJ Next rental agreement reason number
ALK Consignee’s invoice number
ALL Message batch number
ALM Previous delivery schedule number
ALN Physical inventory recount reference number
ALO Receiving advice number
ALP Returnable container reference number
ALQ Returns notice number
ALR Sales forecast number
ALS Sales report number
ALT Previous tax control number
ALU AGERD (Aerospace Ground Equipment Requirement Data) number
ALV Registered capital reference
ALW Standard number of inspection document
ALX Model
ALY Financial management reference
ALZ NOTIfication for COLlection number (NOTICOL)
AMA Previous request for metered reading reference number
AMB Next rental agreement number
AMC Reference number of a request for metered reading
AMD Hastening number
AME Repair data request number
AMF Consumption data request number
AMG Profile number
AMH Case number
AMI Government quality assurance and control level Number
AMJ Payment plan reference
AMK Replaced meter unit number
AML Replenishment purchase order range end number
AMM Insurer assigned reference number
AMN Canadian excise entry number
AMO Premium rate table
AMP Advise through bank’s reference
AMQ US, Department of Transportation bond surety code
AMR US, Food and Drug Administration establishment indicator
AMS US, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) import
AMT Goods and Services Tax identification number
AMU Integrated logistic support cross reference number
AMV Department number
AMW Buyer’s catalogue number
AMX Financial settlement party’s reference number
AMY Standard’s version number
AMZ Pipeline number
ANA Account servicing bank’s reference number
ANB Completed units payment request reference
ANC Payment in advance request reference
AND Parent file
ANE Sub file
ANF CAD file layer convention
ANG Technical regulation
ANH Plot file
ANI File conversion journal
ANJ Authorization number
ANK Reference number assigned by third party
ANL Deposit reference number
ANM Named bank’s reference
ANN Drawee’s reference
ANO Case of need party’s reference
ANP Collecting bank’s reference
ANQ Remitting bank’s reference
ANR Principal’s bank reference
ANS Presenting bank’s reference
ANT Consignee’s reference
ANU Financial transaction reference number
ANV Credit reference number
ANW Receiving bank’s authorization number
ANX Clearing reference
ANY Sending bank’s reference number
AOA Documentary payment reference
AOD Accounting file reference
AOE Sender’s file reference number
AOF Receiver’s file reference number
AOG Source document internal reference
AOH Principal’s reference
AOI Debit reference number
AOJ Calendar
AOK Work shift
AOL Work breakdown structure
AOM Organisation breakdown structure
AON Work task charge number
AOO Functional work group
AOP Work team
AOQ Department
AOR Statement of work
AOS Work package
AOT Planning package
AOU Cost account
AOV Work order
AOW Transportation Control Number (TCN)
AOX Constraint notation
AOY ETERMS reference
AOZ Implementation version number
AP Accounts receivable number
APA Incorporated legal reference
APB Payment instalment reference number
APC Equipment owner reference number
APD Cedent’s claim number
APE Reinsurer’s claim number
APF Price/sales catalogue response reference number
APG General purpose message reference number
APH Invoicing data sheet reference number
API Inventory report reference number
APJ Ceiling formula reference number
APK Price variation formula reference number
APL Reference to account servicing bank’s message
APM Party sequence number
APN Purchaser’s request reference
APO Contractor request reference
APP Accident reference number
APQ Commercial account summary reference number
APR Contract breakdown reference
APS Contractor registration number
APT Applicable coefficient identification number
APU Special budget account number
APV Authorisation for repair reference
APW Manufacturer defined repair rates reference
APX Original submitter log number
APY Original submitter, parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR)
APZ Original submitter, child Data Maintenance Request (DMR)
AQA Entry point assessment log number
AQB Entry point assessment log number, parent DMR
AQC Entry point assessment log number, child DMR
AQD Data structure tag
AQE Central secretariat log number
AQF Central secretariat log number, parent Data Maintenance
AQG Central secretariat log number, child Data Maintenance
AQH International assessment log number
AQI International assessment log number, parent Data
AQJ International assessment log number, child Data Maintenance
AQK Status report number
AQL Message design group number
AQM US Customs Service (USCS) entry code
AQN Beginning job sequence number
AQO Sender’s clause number
AQP Dun and Bradstreet Canada’s 8 digit Standard Industrial
AQQ Activite Principale Exercee (APE) identifier
AQR Dun and Bradstreet US 8 digit Standard Industrial
AQS Nomenclature Activity Classification Economy (NACE)
AQT Norme Activite Francaise (NAF) identifier
AQU Registered contractor activity type
AQV Statistic Bundes Amt (SBA) identifier
AQW State or province assigned entity identification
AQX Institute of Security and Future Market Development (ISFMD)
AQY File identification number
AQZ Bankruptcy procedure number
ARA National government business identification number
ARB Prior Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number
ARC Companies Registry Office (CRO) number
ARD Costa Rican judicial number
ARE Numero de Identificacion Tributaria (NIT)
ARF Patron number
ARG Registro Informacion Fiscal (RIF) number
ARH Registro Unico de Contribuyente (RUC) number
ARI Tokyo SHOKO Research (TSR) business identifier
ARJ Personal identity card number
ARK Systeme Informatique pour le Repertoire des ENtreprises
ARL Systeme Informatique pour le Repertoire des ETablissements
ARM Publication issue number
ARN Original filing number
ARO Document page identifier
ARP Public filing registration number
ARQ Regiristo Federal de Contribuyentes
ARR Social security number
ARS Document volume number
ART Book number
ARU Stock exchange company identifier
ARV Imputation account
ARW Financial phase reference
ARX Technical phase reference
ARY Prior contractor registration number
ARZ Stock adjustment number
ASA Dispensation reference
ASB Investment reference number
ASC Assuming company
ASD Budget chapter
ASE Duty free products security number
ASF Duty free products receipt authorisation number
ASG Party information message reference
ASH Formal statement reference
ASI Proof of delivery reference number
ASJ Supplier’s credit claim reference number
ASK Picture of actual product
ASL Picture of a generic product
ASM Trading partner identification number
ASN Prior trading partner identification number
ASO Password
ASP Formal report number
ASQ Fund account number
ASR Safe custody number
ASS Master account number
AST Group reference number
ASU Accounting transmission number
ASV Product data file number
ASW Cadastro Geral do Contribuinte (CGC)
ASX Foreign resident identification number
ASZ Physical medium
ATA Financial cancellation reference number
ATB Purchase for export Customs agreement number
ATC Judgment number
ATD Secretariat number
ATE Previous banking status message reference
ATF Last received banking status message reference
ATG Bank’s documentary procedure reference
ATH Customer’s documentary procedure reference
ATI Safe deposit box number
ATJ Receiving Bankgiro number
ATK Sending Bankgiro number
ATL Bankgiro reference
ATM Guarantee number
ATN Collection instrument number
ATO Converted Postgiro number
ATP Cost centre alignment number
ATQ Kamer Van Koophandel (KVK) number
ATR Institut Belgo-Luxembourgeois de Codification (IBLC) number
ATS External object reference
ATT Exceptional transport authorisation number
ATU Clave Unica de Identificacion Tributaria (CUIT)
ATV Registro Unico Tributario (RUT)
ATW Flat rack container bundle identification number
ATX Transport equipment acceptance order reference
ATY Transport equipment release order reference
ATZ Ship’s stay reference number
AU Authorization to meet competition number
AUA Place of positioning reference
AUB Party reference
AUC Issued prescription identification
AUD Collection reference
AUE Travel service
AUF Consignment stock contract
AUG Importer’s letter of credit reference
AUH Performed prescription identification
AUI Image reference
AUJ Proposed purchase order reference number
AUK Application for financial support reference number
AUL Manufacturing quality agreement number
AUM Software editor reference
AUN Software reference
AUO Software quality reference
AUP Consolidated orders‘ reference
AUQ Customs binding ruling number
AUR Customs non-binding ruling number
AUS Delivery route reference
AUT Net area supplier reference
AUU Time series reference
AUV Connecting point to central grid
AUW Marketing plan identification number (MPIN)
AUX Entity reference number, previous
AUY International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC)
AUZ Customs pre-approval ruling number
AV Account payable number
AVA First financial institution’s transaction reference
AVB Product characteristics directory
AVC Supplier’s customer reference number
AVD Inventory report request number
AVE Metering point
AVF Passenger reservation number
AVG Slaughterhouse approval number
AVH Meat cutting plant approval number
AVI Customer travel service identifier
AVJ Export control classification number
AVK Broker reference 3
AVL Consignment information
AVM Goods item information
AVN Dangerous Goods information
AVO Pilotage services exemption number
AVP Person registration number
AVQ Place of packing approval number
AVR Original Mandate Reference
AVS Mandate Reference
AVT Reservation station identifier
AVU Unique goods shipment identifier
AVV Framework Agreement Number
AVW Hash value
AVX Movement reference number
AVY Economic Operators Registration and Identification Number
AVZ Local Reference Number
AWA Rate code number
AWB Air waybill number
AWC Documentary credit amendment number
AWD Advising bank’s reference
AWE Cost centre
AWF Work item quantity determination
AWG Internal data process number
AWH Category of work reference
AWI Policy form number
AWJ Net area
AWK Service provider
AWL Error position
AWM Service category reference
AWN Connected location
AWO Related party
AWP Latest accounting entry record reference
AWQ Accounting entry
AWR Document reference, original
AWS Hygienic Certificate number, national
AWT Administrative Reference Code
AWU Pick-up sheet number
AWV Phone number
AWW Buyer’s fund number
AWX Company trading account number
AWY Reserved goods identifier
AWZ Handling and movement reference number
AXA Instruction to despatch reference number
AXB Instruction for returns number
AXC Metered services consumption report number
AXD Order status enquiry number
AXE Firm booking reference number
AXF Product inquiry number
AXG Split delivery number
AXH Service relation number
AXI Serial shipping container code
AXJ Test specification number
AXK Transport status report number
AXL Tooling contract number
AXM Formula reference number
AXN Pre-agreement number
AXO Product certification number
AXP Consignment contract number
AXQ Product specification reference number
AXR Payroll deduction advice reference
AXS TRACES party identification
BA Beginning meter reading actual
BC Buyer’s contract number
BD Bid number
BE Beginning meter reading estimated
BH House bill of lading number
BM Bill of lading number
BN Consignment identifier, carrier assigned
BO Blanket order number
BR Broker or sales office number
BT Batch number/lot number
BTP Battery and accumulator producer registration number
BW Blended with number
CAS IATA Cargo Agent CASS Address number
CAT Matching of entries, balanced
CAU Entry flagging
CAV Matching of entries, unbalanced
CAW Document reference, internal
CAX European Value Added Tax identification
CAY Cost accounting document
CAZ Grid operator’s customer reference number
CBA Ticket control number
CBB Order shipment grouping reference
CD Credit note number
CEC Ceding company
CED Debit letter number
CFE Consignee’s further order
CFF Animal farm licence number
CFO Consignor’s further order
CG Consignee’s order number
CH Customer catalogue number
CK Cheque number
CKN Checking number
CM Credit memo number
CMR Road consignment note number
CN Carrier’s reference number
CNO Charges note document attachment indicator
COF Call off order number
CP Condition of purchase document number
CR Customer reference number
CRN Transport means journey identifier
CS Condition of sale document number
CST Team assignment number
CT Contract number
CU Consignment identifier, consignor assigned
CV Container operators reference number
CW Package number
CZ Cooperation contract number
DA Deferment approval number
DAN Debit account number
DB Buyer’s debtor number
DI Distributor invoice number
DL Debit note number
DM Document identifier
DQ Delivery note number
DR Dock receipt number
EA Ending meter reading actual
EB Embargo permit number
ED Export declaration
EE Ending meter reading estimated
EEP Electrical and electronic equipment producer registration
EI Employer’s identification number
EN Embargo number
EQ Equipment number
ER Container/equipment receipt number
ERN Exporter’s reference number
ET Excess transportation number
EX Export permit identifier
FC Fiscal number
FF Consignment identifier, freight forwarder assigned
FI File line identifier
FLW Flow reference number
FN Freight bill number
FO Foreign exchange
FS Final sequence number
FT Free zone identifier
FV File version number
FX Foreign exchange contract number
GA Standard’s number
GC Government contract number
GD Standard’s code number
GDN General declaration number
GN Government reference number
HS Harmonised system number
HWB House waybill number
IA Internal vendor number
IB In bond number
ICA IATA cargo agent code number
ICE Insurance certificate reference number
ICO Insurance contract reference number
II Initial sample inspection report number
IL Internal order number
INB Intermediary broker
INN Interchange number new
INO Interchange number old
IP Import permit identifier
IS Invoice number suffix
IT Internal customer number
IV Invoice document identifier
JB Job number
JE Ending job sequence number
LA Shipping label serial number
LAN Loading authorisation identifier
LAR Lower number in range
LB Lockbox
LC Letter of credit number
LI Document line identifier
LO Load planning number
LRC Reservation office identifier
LS Bar coded label serial number
MA Ship notice/manifest number
MB Master bill of lading number
MF Manufacturer’s part number
MG Meter unit number
MH Manufacturing order number
MR Message recipient
MRN Mailing reference number
MS Message sender
MSS Manufacturer’s material safety data sheet number
MWB Master air waybill number
NA North American hazardous goods classification number
NF Nota Fiscal
OH Current invoice number
OI Previous invoice number
ON Order document identifier, buyer assigned
OP Original purchase order
OR General order number
PB Payer’s financial institution account number
PC Production code
PD Promotion deal number
PE Plant number
PF Prime contractor contract number
PI Price list version number
PK Packing list number
PL Price list number
POR Purchase order response number
PP Purchase order change number
PQ Payment reference
PR Price quote number
PS Purchase order number suffix
PW Prior purchase order number
PY Payee’s financial institution account number
RA Remittance advice number
RC Rail/road routing code
RCN Railway consignment note number
RE Release number
REN Consignment receipt identifier
RF Export reference number
RR Payer’s financial institution transit routing No.(ACH
RT Payee’s financial institution transit routing No.
SA Sales person number
SB Sales region number
SD Sales department number
SE Serial number
SEA Allocated seat
SF Ship from
SH Previous highest schedule number
SI SID (Shipper’s identifying number for shipment)
SM Sales office number
SN Transport equipment seal identifier
SP Scan line
SQ Equipment sequence number
SRN Shipment reference number
SS Sellers reference number
STA Station reference number
SW Swap order number
SZ Specification number
TB Trucker’s bill of lading
TCR Terminal operator’s consignment reference
TE Telex message number
TF Transfer number
TI TIR carnet number
TIN Transport instruction number
TL Tax exemption licence number
TN Transaction reference number
TP Test report number
UAR Upper number of range
UC Ultimate customer’s reference number
UCN Unique consignment reference number
UN United Nations Dangerous Goods identifier
UO Ultimate customer’s order number
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
VA VAT registration number
VC Vendor contract number
VGR Transport equipment gross mass verification reference
VM Vessel identifier
VN Order number (vendor)
VON Voyage number
VOR Transport equipment gross mass verification order reference
VP Vendor product number
VR Vendor ID number
VS Vendor order number suffix
VT Motor vehicle identification number
VV Voucher number
WE Warehouse entry number
WM Weight agreement number
WN Well number
WR Warehouse receipt number
WS Warehouse storage location number
WY Rail waybill number
XA Company/place registration number
XC Cargo control number
XP Previous cargo control number
ZZZ Mutually defined reference number

VAT-ID Code (Steueridentifikation)

Subset of UNECE 5153 Subset of UNECE 1153
Code Value Code Value
VAT Value added tax VA Value added tax
FC Fiscal number

VAT-CAT Code (Steuerkategorie)

Code Value Code Value
VAT Value added tax VAT Value added tax

Time Code (Zeit)

UBL and UN/EDIFACT UN/CEFACT Cross Industry Invoice
2005 Code Value 2475 Code Value
3 Invoice document issue date time 5 Date of invoice
35 Delivery date/time, actual 29 Date of delivery of goods to establishments/domicile/site
432 Paid to date 72 Payment date

Text Code

Code Code name
AAA Goods item description
AAB Payment term
AAC Dangerous goods additional information
AAD Dangerous goods technical name
AAE Acknowledgement description
AAF Rate additional information
AAG Party instructions
AAI General information
AAJ Additional conditions of sale/purchase
AAK Price conditions
AAL Goods dimensions in characters
AAM Equipment re-usage restrictions
AAN Handling restriction
AAO Error description (free text)
AAP Response (free text)
AAQ Package content’s description
AAR Terms of delivery
AAS Bill of lading remarks
AAT Mode of settlement information
AAU Consignment invoice information
AAV Clearance invoice information
AAW Letter of credit information
AAX License information
AAY Certification statements
AAZ Additional export information
ABA Tariff statements
ABB Medical history
ABC Conditions of sale or purchase
ABD Contract document type
ABE Additional terms and/or conditions (documentary credit)
ABF Instructions or information about standby documentary
ABG Instructions or information about partial shipment(s)
ABH Instructions or information about transhipment(s)
ABI Additional handling instructions documentary credit
ABJ Domestic routing information
ABK Chargeable category of equipment
ABL Government information
ABM Onward routing information
ABN Accounting information
ABO Discrepancy information
ABP Confirmation instructions
ABQ Method of issuance
ABR Documents delivery instructions
ABS Additional conditions
ABT Information/instructions about additional amounts covered
ABU Deferred payment termed additional
ABV Acceptance terms additional
ABW Negotiation terms additional
ABX Document name and documentary requirements
ABZ Instructions/information about revolving documentary credit
ACA Documentary requirements
ACB Additional information
ACC Factor assignment clause
ACD Reason
ACE Dispute
ACF Additional attribute information
ACG Absence declaration
ACH Aggregation statement
ACI Compilation statement
ACJ Definitional exception
ACK Privacy statement
ACL Quality statement
ACM Statistical description
ACN Statistical definition
ACO Statistical name
ACP Statistical title
ACQ Off-dimension information
ACR Unexpected stops information
ACS Principles
ACT Terms and definition
ACU Segment name
ACV Simple data element name
ACW Scope
ACX Message type name
ACY Introduction
ACZ Glossary
ADA Functional definition
ADB Examples
ADC Cover page
ADD Dependency (syntax) notes
ADE Code value name
ADF Code list name
ADG Clarification of usage
ADH Composite data element name
ADI Field of application
ADJ Type of assets and liabilities
ADK Promotion information
ADL Meter condition
ADM Meter reading information
ADN Type of transaction reason
ADO Type of survey question
ADP Carrier’s agent counter information
ADQ Description of work item on equipment
ADR Message definition
ADS Booked item information
ADT Source of document
ADU Note
ADV Fixed part of segment clarification text
ADW Characteristics of goods
ADX Additional discharge instructions
ADY Container stripping instructions
ADZ CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate information
AEA Cargo remarks
AEB Temperature control instructions
AEC Text refers to expected data
AED Text refers to received data
AEE Section clarification text
AEF Information to the beneficiary
AEG Information to the applicant
AEH Instructions to the beneficiary
AEI Instructions to the applicant
AEJ Controlled atmosphere
AEK Take off annotation
AEL Price variation narrative
AEM Documentary credit amendment instructions
AEN Standard method narrative
AEO Project narrative
AEP Radioactive goods, additional information
AEQ Bank-to-bank information
AER Reimbursement instructions
AES Reason for amending a message
AET Instructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or
AEU Interest instructions
AEV Agent commission
AEW Remitting bank instructions
AEX Instructions to the collecting bank
AEY Collection amount instructions
AEZ Internal auditing information
AFA Constraint
AFB Comment
AFC Semantic note
AFD Help text
AFE Legend
AFF Batch code structure
AFG Product application
AFH Customer complaint
AFI Probable cause of fault
AFJ Defect description
AFK Repair description
AFL Review comments
AFM Title
AFN Description of amount
AFO Responsibilities
AFP Supplier
AFQ Purchase region
AFR Affiliation
AFS Borrower
AFT Line of business
AFU Financial institution
AFV Business founder
AFW Business history
AFX Banking arrangements
AFY Business origin
AFZ Brand names‘ description
AGA Business financing details
AGB Competition
AGC Construction process details
AGD Construction specialty
AGE Contract information
AGF Corporate filing
AGG Customer information
AGH Copyright notice
AGI Contingent debt
AGJ Conviction details
AGK Equipment
AGL Workforce description
AGM Exemption
AGN Future plans
AGO Interviewee conversation information
AGP Intangible asset
AGQ Inventory
AGR Investment
AGS Intercompany relations information
AGT Joint venture
AGU Loan
AGV Long term debt
AGW Location
AGX Current legal structure
AGY Marital contract
AGZ Marketing activities
AHA Merger
AHB Marketable securities
AHC Business debt
AHD Original legal structure
AHE Employee sharing arrangements
AHF Organization details
AHG Public record details
AHH Price range
AHI Qualifications
AHJ Registered activity
AHK Criminal sentence
AHL Sales method
AHM Educational institution information
AHN Status details
AHO Sales
AHP Spouse information
AHQ Educational degree information
AHR Shareholding information
AHS Sales territory
AHT Accountant’s comments
AHU Exemption law location
AHV Share classifications
AHW Forecast
AHX Event location
AHY Facility occupancy
AHZ Import and export details
AIA Additional facility information
AIB Inventory value
AIC Education
AID Event
AIE Agent
AIF Domestically agreed financial statement details
AIG Other current asset description
AIH Other current liability description
AII Former business activity
AIJ Trade name use
AIK Signing authority
AIL Guarantee
AIM Holding company operation
AIN Consignment routing
AIO Letter of protest
AIP Question
AIQ Party information
AIR Area boundaries description
AIS Advertisement information
AIT Financial statement details
AIU Access instructions
AIV Liquidity
AIW Credit line
AIX Warranty terms
AIY Division description
AIZ Reporting instruction
AJA Examination result
AJB Laboratory result
ALC Allowance/charge information
ALD X-ray result
ALE Pathology result
ALF Intervention description
ALG Summary of admittance
ALH Medical treatment course detail
ALI Prognosis
ALJ Instruction to patient
ALK Instruction to physician
ALL All documents
ALM Medicine treatment
ALN Medicine dosage and administration
ALO Availability of patient
ALP Reason for service request
ALQ Purpose of service
ARR Arrival conditions
ARS Service requester’s comment
AUT Authentication
AUU Requested location description
AUV Medicine administration condition
AUW Patient information
AUX Precautionary measure
AUY Service characteristic
AUZ Planned event comment
AVA Expected delay comment
AVB Transport requirements comment
AVC Temporary approval condition
AVD Customs Valuation Information
AVE Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme
AVF Maritime Declaration of Health
BAG Passenger baggage information
BAH Maritime Declaration of Health
BAI Additional product information address
BAJ Information to be printed on despatch advice
BAK Missing goods remarks
BAL Non-acceptance information
BAM Returns information
BAN Sub-line item information
BAO Test information
BAP External link
BAQ VAT exemption reason
BAR Processing Instructions
BAS Relay Instructions
BAT SIMA applicable
BAU Appeals program code
BAV SIMA subject
BAW Surtax applicable
BAX SIMA security bond
BAY Surtax subject
BAZ Safeguard applicable
BBA Safeguard applicable
BBB Safeguard subject
BLC Transport contract document clause
BLD Instruction to prepare the patient
BLE Medicine treatment comment
BLF Examination result comment
BLG Service request comment
BLH Prescription reason
BLI Prescription comment
BLJ Clinical investigation comment
BLK Medicinal specification comment
BLL Economic contribution comment
BLM Status of a plan
BLN Random sample test information
BLO Period of time
BLP Legislation
BLQ Security measures requested
BLR Transport contract document remark
BLS Previous port of call security information
BLT Security information
BLU Waste information
BLV B2C marketing information, short description
BLW B2B marketing information, long description
BLX B2C marketing information, long description
BLY Product ingredients
BLZ Location short name
BMA Packaging material information
BMB Filler material information
BMC Ship-to-ship activity information
BMD Package material description
BME Consumer level package marking
BMF SIMA measure in force
BMH SIMA measure type
CCI Customs clearance instructions
CCJ Sub Type Code
CCK SIMA information
CCL Time limit end
CCM Time limit start
CCN Warehouse time limit
CCO Value for duty information
CEX Customs clearance instructions export
CHG Change information
CIP Customs clearance instruction import
CLP Clearance place requested
CLR Loading remarks
COI Order information
CUR Customer remarks
CUS Customs declaration information
DAR Damage remarks
DCL Document issuer declaration
DEL Delivery information
DIN Delivery instructions
DOC Documentation instructions
DUT Duty declaration
EUR Effective used routing
FBC First block to be printed on the transport contract
GBL Government bill of lading information
GEN Entire transaction set
GS7 Further information concerning GGVS par. 7
HAN Consignment handling instruction
HAZ Hazard information
ICN Consignment information for consignee
IIN Insurance instructions
IMI Invoice mailing instructions
IND Commercial invoice item description
INS Insurance information
INV Invoice instruction
IRP Information for railway purpose
ITR Inland transport details
ITS Testing instructions
LAN Location Alias
LIN Line item
LOI Loading instruction
MCO Miscellaneous charge order
MDH Maritime Declaration of Health
MKS Additional marks/numbers information
ORI Order instruction
OSI Other service information
PAC Packing/marking information
PAI Payment instructions information
PAY Payables information
PKG Packaging information
PKT Packaging terms information
PMD Payment detail/remittance information
PMT Payment information
PRD Product information
PRF Price calculation formula
PRI Priority information
PUR Purchasing information
QIN Quarantine instructions
QQD Quality demands/requirements
QUT Quotation instruction/information
RAH Risk and handling information
REG Regulatory information
RET Return to origin information
REV Receivables
RQR Consignment route
SAF Safety information
SIC Consignment documentary instruction
SIN Special instructions
SLR Ship line requested
SPA Special permission for transport, generally
SPG Special permission concerning the goods to be transported
SPH Special handling
SPP Special permission concerning package
SPT Special permission concerning transport means
SRN Subsidiary risk number (IATA/DGR)
SSR Special service request
SUR Supplier remarks
TCA Consignment tariff
TDT Consignment transport
TRA Transportation information
TRR Requested tariff
TXD Tax declaration
WHI Warehouse instruction/information
ZZZ Mutually defined

Payment Code (Zahlung)

Code Code name Usage in EN16931
1 Instrument not defined
2 Automated clearing house credit
3 Automated clearing house debit
4 ACH demand debit reversal
5 ACH demand credit reversal
6 ACH demand credit
7 ACH demand debit
8 Hold
9 National or regional clearing
10 In cash
11 ACH savings credit reversal
12 ACH savings debit reversal
13 ACH savings credit
14 ACH savings debit
15 Bookentry credit
16 Bookentry debit
17 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit
18 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit
19 ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) credit
20 Cheque
21 Banker’s draft
22 Certified banker’s draft
23 Bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establishment)
24 Bill of exchange awaiting acceptance
25 Certified cheque
26 Local cheque
27 ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) debit
28 ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit
29 ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit
30 Credit transfer non-SEPA
31 Debit transfer non-SEPA
32 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+)
33 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+)
34 ACH prearranged payment and deposit (PPD)
35 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit
36 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit
37 ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) credit
38 ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) debit
39 ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit
40 ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit
41 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+)
42 Payment to bank account
43 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+)
44 Accepted bill of exchange
45 Referenced home-banking credit transfer
46 Interbank debit transfer
47 Home-banking debit transfer
48 Bank card Use for all payment cards
49 Direct debit
50 Payment by postgiro
51 FR, norme 6 97-Telereglement CFONB (French Organisation for
52 Urgent commercial payment
53 Urgent Treasury Payment
54 Credit card
55 Debit card
56 Bankgiro
57 Standing agreement Contractual payment means
58 SEPA credit transfer SEPA
59 SEPA direct debit SEPA
60 Promissory note
61 Promissory note signed by the debtor
62 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank
63 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a
64 Promissory note signed by a bank
65 Promissory note signed by a bank and endorsed by another
66 Promissory note signed by a third party
67 Promissory note signed by a third party and endorsed by a
68 Online payment service
69 Transfer Advice
70 Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor
74 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank
75 Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank
76 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a
77 Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party
78 Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and
91 Not transferable banker’s draft
92 Not transferable local cheque
93 Reference giro
94 Urgent giro
95 Free format giro
96 Requested method for payment was not used
97 Clearing between partners
98 JP, Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims
ZZZ Mutually defined

5305 Code

Code Name Semantic model
S Standard rate Standard rate
Z Zero rated goods Zero rated goods
E Exempt from tax Exempt from tax
AE VAT Reverse charge VAT reverse charge
K VAT exempt for EEA intra-community supply of goods and services VAT exempt for intra community supply of goods
G Free export item, tax not charged Free export item, tax not charged
O Service outside scope of tax Services outside scope of tax
L Canary Islands general indirect tax Canary Islands General Indirect Tax
M Tax for production, services and importation in Ceuta and Melilla Liable for IPSI

Allowance Code (Bonus)

Code Description
41 Bonus for works ahead of schedule
42 Other bonus
60 Manufacturer’s consumer discount
62 Due to military status
63 Due to work accident
64 Special agreement
65 Production error discount
66 New outlet discount
67 Sample discount
68 End-of-range discount
70 Incoterm discount
71 Point of sales threshold allowance
88 Material surcharge/deduction
95 Discount
100 Special rebate
102 Fixed long term
103 Temporary
104 Standard
105 Yearly turnover

Item Code (Artikel)

Code Code name
AA Product version number
AB Assembly
AC HIBC (Health Industry Bar Code)
AD Cold roll number
AE Hot roll number
AF Slab number
AG Software revision number
AH UPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5)
AI UPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5-
AJ Sample number
AK Pack number
AL UPC (Universal Product Code) Shipping container code (1-2-
AM UPC (Universal Product Code)/EAN (European article number)
AN UPC (Universal Product Code) suffix
AO State label code
AP Heat number
AQ Coupon number
AR Resource number
AS Work task number
AT Price look up number
AU NSN (North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stock Number)
AV Refined product code
AW Exhibit
AX End item
AY Federal supply classification
AZ Engineering data list
BA Milestone event number
BB Lot number
BC National drug code 4-4-2 format
BD National drug code 5-3-2 format
BE National drug code 5-4-1 format
BF National drug code 5-4-2 format
BG National drug code
BH Part number
BI Local Stock Number (LSN)
BJ Next higher assembly number
BK Data category
BL Control number
BM Special material identification code
BN Locally assigned control number
BO Buyer’s colour
BP Buyer’s part number
BQ Variable measure product code
BR Financial phase
BS Contract breakdown
BT Technical phase
BU Dye lot number
BV Daily statement of activities
BW Periodical statement of activities within a bilaterally
BX Calendar week statement of activities
BY Calendar month statement of activities
BZ Original equipment number
CC Industry commodity code
CG Commodity grouping
CL Colour number
CR Contract number
CV Customs article number
DR Drawing revision number
DW Drawing
EC Engineering change level
EF Material code
EMD EMDN (European Medical Device Nomenclature)
EN International Article Numbering Association (EAN)
FS Fish species
GB Buyer’s internal product group code
GMN Global model number
GN National product group code
GS General specification number
HS Harmonised system
IB ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
IN Buyer’s item number
IS ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
IT Buyer’s style number
IZ Buyer’s size code
MA Machine number
MF Manufacturer’s (producer’s) article number
MN Model number
MP Product/service identification number
NB Batch number
ON Customer order number
PD Part number description
PL Purchaser’s order line number
PO Purchase order number
PV Promotional variant number
QS Buyer’s qualifier for size
RC Returnable container number
RN Release number
RU Run number
RY Record keeping of model year
SA Supplier’s article number
SG Standard group of products (mixed assortment)
SK SKU (Stock keeping unit)
SN Serial number
SRS RSK number
SRT IFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 5 digit product
SRU IFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 9 digit product
SRV GS1 Global Trade Item Number
SRW EDIS (Energy Data Identification System)
SRX Slaughter number
SRY Official animal number
SRZ Harmonized tariff schedule
SS Supplier’s supplier article number
SSA 46 Level DOT Code
SSB Airline Tariff 6D
SSC Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations
SSD International Civil Aviation Administration code
SSE Hazardous Materials ID DOT
SSF Endorsement
SSG Air Force Regulation 71-4
SSH Breed
SSI Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number
SSJ Engine model designation
SSK Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) Number
SSL Price Look-Up code (PLU)
SSM International Maritime Organization (IMO) Code
SSN Bureau of Explosives 600-A (rail)
SSO United Nations Dangerous Goods List
SSP International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
SSQ International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)
SSR International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
SSS Distributor’s article identifier
SST Norwegian Classification system ENVA
SSU Supplier assigned classification
SSV Mexican classification system AMECE
SSW German classification system CCG
SSX Finnish classification system EANFIN
SSY Canadian classification system ICC
SSZ French classification system IFLS5
ST Style number
STA Dutch classification system CBL
STB Japanese classification system JICFS
STC European Union dairy subsidy eligibility classification
STD GS1 Spain classification system
STE GS1 Poland classification system
STF Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology of the
STG Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Austria classification
STH GS1 Italy classification system
STI CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary)
STJ IFDA (International Foodservice Distributors Association)
STK AHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service) pharmacologic –
STL ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) classification system
STM CLADIMED (Classification des Dispositifs Médicaux)
STN CMDR (Canadian Medical Device Regulations) classification
STO CNDM (Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi Medici)
STP UK DM&D (Dictionary of Medicines & Devices) standard coding
STQ eCl@ss
STR EDMA (European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association)
STS EGAR (European Generic Article Register)
STT GMDN (Global Medical Devices Nomenclature)
STU GPI (Generic Product Identifier)
STV HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System)
STW ICPS (International Classification for Patient Safety)
STX MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities)
STY Medical Columbus
STZ NAPCS (North American Product Classification System)
SUA NHS (National Health Services) eClass
SUB US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Product Code
SUC SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical
SUD UMDNS (Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System)
SUE GS1 Global Returnable Asset Identifier, non-serialised
SUG Waste Type (EMSA)
SUH Ship’s store classification type
SUI Emergency fire code
SUJ Emergency spillage code
SUK IMDG packing group
SUM IMDG subsidiary risk class
TG Transport group number
TSN Taxonomic Serial Number
TSO IMDG main hazard class
TSP EU Combined Nomenclature
TSQ Therapeutic classification number
TSR European Waste Catalogue
TSS Price grouping code
TSU EU RoHS Directive
UA Ultimate customer’s article number
UP UPC (Universal product code)
VN Vendor item number
VP Vendor’s (seller’s) part number
VS Vendor’s supplemental item number
VX Vendor specification number
ZZZ Mutually defined

Charge Code

Code Code name
AA Advertising
AAA Telecommunication
AAC Technical modification
AAD Job-order production
AAE Outlays
AAF Off-premises
AAH Additional processing
AAI Attesting
AAS Acceptance
AAT Rush delivery
AAV Special construction
AAY Airport facilities
AAZ Concession
ABA Compulsory storage
ABB Fuel removal
ABC Into plane
ABD Overtime
ABF Tooling
ABK Miscellaneous
ABL Additional packaging
ABN Dunnage
ABR Containerisation
ABS Carton packing
ABT Hessian wrapped
ABU Polyethylene wrap packing
ACF Miscellaneous treatment
ACG Enamelling treatment
ACH Heat treatment
ACI Plating treatment
ACJ Painting
ACK Polishing
ACL Priming
ACM Preservation treatment
ACS Fitting
ADC Consolidation
ADE Bill of lading
ADJ Airbag
ADK Transfer
ADL Slipsheet
ADM Binding
ADN Repair or replacement of broken returnable package
ADO Efficient logistics
ADP Merchandising
ADQ Product mix
ADR Other services
ADT Pick-up
ADW Chronic illness
ADY New product introduction
ADZ Direct delivery
AEA Diversion
AEB Disconnect
AEC Distribution
AED Handling of hazardous cargo
AEF Rents and leases
AEH Location differential
AEI Aircraft refueling
AEJ Fuel shipped into storage
AEK Cash on delivery
AEL Small order processing service
AEM Clerical or administrative services
AEN Guarantee
AEO Collection and recycling
AEP Copyright fee collection
AES Veterinary inspection service
AET Pensioner service
AEU Medicine free pass holder
AEV Environmental protection service
AEW Environmental clean-up service
AEX National cheque processing service outside account area
AEY National payment service outside account area
AEZ National payment service within account area
AJ Adjustments
AU Authentication
CA Cataloguing
CAB Cartage
CAD Certification
CAE Certificate of conformance
CAF Certificate of origin
CAI Cutting
CAJ Consular service
CAK Customer collection
CAL Payroll payment service
CAM Cash transportation
CAN Home banking service
CAO Bilateral agreement service
CAP Insurance brokerage service
CAQ Cheque generation
CAR Preferential merchandising location
CAS Crane
CAT Special colour service
CAU Sorting
CAV Battery collection and recycling
CAW Product take back fee
CAX Quality control released
CAY Quality control held
CAZ Quality control embargo
CD Car loading
CG Cleaning
CS Cigarette stamping
CT Count and recount
DAB Layout/design
DAC Assortment allowance
DAD Driver assigned unloading
DAF Debtor bound
DAG Dealer allowance
DAH Allowance transferable to the consumer
DAI Growth of business
DAJ Introduction allowance
DAK Multi-buy promotion
DAL Partnership
DAM Return handling
DAN Minimum order not fulfilled charge
DAO Point of sales threshold allowance
DAP Wholesaling discount
DAQ Documentary credits transfer commission
DL Delivery
EG Engraving
EP Expediting
ER Exchange rate guarantee
FAA Fabrication
FAB Freight equalization
FAC Freight extraordinary handling
FC Freight service
FH Filling/handling
FI Financing
GAA Grinding
HAA Hose
HD Handling
HH Hoisting and hauling
IAA Installation
IAB Installation and warranty
ID Inside delivery
IF Inspection
IR Installation and training
IS Invoicing
KO Koshering
L1 Carrier count
LA Labelling
LAA Labour
LAB Repair and return
LF Legalisation
MAE Mounting
MI Mail invoice
ML Mail invoice to each location
NAA Non-returnable containers
OA Outside cable connectors
PA Invoice with shipment
PAA Phosphatizing (steel treatment)
PC Packing
PL Palletizing
PRV Price variation
RAB Repacking
RAC Repair
RAD Returnable container
RAF Restocking
RE Re-delivery
RF Refurbishing
RH Rail wagon hire
RV Loading
SA Salvaging
SAA Shipping and handling
SAD Special packaging
SAE Stamping
SAI Consignee unload
SG Shrink-wrap
SH Special handling
SM Special finish
SU Set-up
TAB Tank renting
TAC Testing
TT Transportation – third party billing
TV Transportation by vendor
V1 Drop yard
V2 Drop dock
WH Warehousing
XAA Combine all same day shipment
YY Split pick-up
ZZZ Mutually defined



EAS Code

Code Scheme name
0002 System Information et Repertoire des Entreprise et des Etablissements: SIRENE
0007 Organisationsnummer
0037 LY-tunnus
0060 Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S Number)
0088 EAN Location Code
0097 FTI – Ediforum Italia, (EDIRA compliant)
0106 „Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en Fabrieken in Nederland (Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands), Scheme (EDIRA compliant)“
0130 Directorates of the European Commission
0135 SIA Object Identifiers
0142 SECETI Object Identifiers
0147 Standard Company Code
0151 Australian Business Number (ABN) Scheme
0170 Teikoku Company Code
0177 Odette International Limited
0183 Numéro d’identification suisse des enterprises (IDE), Swiss Unique Business Identification Number (UIDB)
0188 Corporate Number of The Social Security and Tax Number System
0190 Dutch Originator’s Identification Number
0191 Centre of Registers and Information Systems of the Ministry of Justice
0192 Enhetsregisteret ved Bronnoysundregisterne
0193 UBL.BE party identifier
0194 KOIOS Open Technical Dictionary
0195 Singapore UEN identifier
0196 Kennitala – Iceland legal id for individuals and legal entities
0199 Global legal entity identifier (GLEIF)
0200 Legal entity code (Lithuania)
0201 Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa iPA
0202 Indirizzo di Posta Elettronica Certificata
0203 eDelivery Network Participant identifier
0204 Leitweg-ID
0208 Numero d’entreprise / ondernemingsnummer / Unternehmensnummer
0209 GS1 identification keys
0212 Finnish Organization Identifier
0213 Finnish Organization Value Add Tax Identifier
0215 Net service ID
0216 OVTcode
0217 The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Industry establishment number
0218 Unified registration number (Latvia)
0221 The registered number of the qualified invoice issuer
0230 National e-Invoicing Framework
0235 UAE Tax Identification Number (TIN)
9901 Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health
9910 Hungary VAT number
9913 Business Registers Network
9914 Österreichische Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer
9915 „Österreichisches Verwaltungs bzw. Organisationskennzeichen“
9919 Kennziffer des Unternehmensregisters
9920 Agencia Española de Administración Tributaria
9922 Andorra VAT number
9923 Albania VAT number
9924 Bosnia and Herzegovina VAT number
9925 Belgium VAT number
9926 Bulgaria VAT number
9927 Switzerland VAT number
9928 Cyprus VAT number
9929 Czech Republic VAT number
9930 Germany VAT number
9931 Estonia VAT number
9932 United Kingdom VAT number
9933 Greece VAT number
9934 Croatia VAT number
9935 Ireland VAT number
9936 Liechtenstein VAT number
9937 Lithuania VAT number
9938 Luxemburg VAT number
9939 Latvia VAT number
9940 Monaco VAT number
9941 Montenegro VAT number
9942 Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of VAT number
9943 Malta VAT number
9944 Netherlands VAT number
9945 Poland VAT number
9946 Portugal VAT number
9947 Romania VAT number
9948 Serbia VAT number
9949 Slovenia VAT number
9950 Slovakia VAT number
9951 San Marino VAT number
9952 Turkey VAT number
9953 Holy See (Vatican City State) VAT number
9957 French VAT number
9959 Employer Identification Number (EIN, USA)
AN O.F.T.P. (ODETTE File Transfer Protocol)
AQ X.400 address for mail text
AS AS2 exchange
AU File Transfer Protocol
EM Electronic mail (SMTP)


CODE Code name (english) Remark
VATEX-EU-79-C Exempt based on article 79, point c of Council Directive 2006/112/EC Repayment of expenditure is not an exemption in the sense of the VAT Directive but may be handled as such in the context of the EN16931.
VATEX-EU-132 Exempt based on article 132 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1A Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1B Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1C Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1D Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1E Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1F Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1G Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1H Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1I Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1J Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1K Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1L Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1M Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (m) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1N Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (n) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1O Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (o) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1P Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (p) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-132-1Q Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (q) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143 Exempt based on article 143 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1A Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1B Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1C Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1D Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1E Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1F Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1FA Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (fa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1G Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1H Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1I Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1J Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1K Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-143-1L Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-144 Exempt based on article 144 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-146-1E Exempt based on article 146 section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-148 Exempt based on article 148 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-148-A Exempt based on article 148, section (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-148-B Exempt based on article 148, section (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-148-C Exempt based on article 148, section (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-148-D Exempt based on article 148, section (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-148-E Exempt based on article 148, section (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-148-F Exempt based on article 148, section (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-148-G Exempt based on article 148, section (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-151 Exempt based on article 151 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-151-1A Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-151-1AA Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (aa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-151-1B Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-151-1C Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-151-1D Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-151-1E Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-159 Exempt based on article 159 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-309 Exempt based on article 309 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
VATEX-EU-AE Reverse charge Only use with VAT category code AE
VATEX-EU-D Travel agents VAT scheme. Only use with VAT category code E
VATEX-EU-F Second hand goods VAT scheme. Only use with VAT category code E
VATEX-EU-G Export outside the EU Only use with VAT category code G
VATEX-EU-I Works of art VAT scheme. Only use with VAT category code E
VATEX-EU-IC Intra-community supply Only use with VAT category code K
VATEX-EU-J Collectors items and antiques VAT scheme. Only use with VAT category code E
VATEX-EU-O Not subject to VAT Only use with VAT category code O
VATEX-FR-FRANCHISE France domestic VAT franchise in base For domestic invoicing in France
VATEX-FR-CNWVAT France domestic Credit Notes without VAT, due to supplier forfeit of VAT for discount For domestic Credit Notes only in France

Unit Code (Einheit)

Source Code Name
rec20 10 group
rec20 11 outfit
rec20 13 ration
rec20 14 shot
rec20 15 stick, military
rec20 20 twenty foot container
rec20 21 forty foot container
rec20 22 decilitre per gram
rec20 23 gram per cubic centimetre
rec20 24 theoretical pound
rec20 25 gram per square centimetre
rec20 27 theoretical ton
rec20 28 kilogram per square metre
rec20 33 kilopascal square metre per gram
rec20 34 kilopascal per millimetre
rec20 35 millilitre per square centimetre second
rec20 37 ounce per square foot
rec20 38 ounce per square foot per 0,01inch
rec20 40 millilitre per second
rec20 41 millilitre per minute
rec20 56 sitas
rec20 57 mesh
rec20 58 net kilogram
rec20 59 part per million
rec20 60 percent weight
rec20 61 part per billion (US)
rec20 74 millipascal
rec20 77 milli-inch
rec20 80 pound per square inch absolute
rec20 81 henry
rec20 85 foot pound-force
rec20 87 pound per cubic foot
rec20 89 poise
rec20 91 stokes
rec20 1I fixed rate
rec20 2A radian per second
rec20 2B radian per second squared
rec20 2C roentgen
rec20 2G volt AC
rec20 2H volt DC
rec20 2I British thermal unit (international table) per hour
rec20 2J cubic centimetre per second
rec20 2K cubic foot per hour
rec20 2L cubic foot per minute
rec20 2M centimetre per second
rec20 2N decibel
rec20 2P kilobyte
rec20 2Q kilobecquerel
rec20 2R kilocurie
rec20 2U megagram
rec20 2X metre per minute
rec20 2Y milliroentgen
rec20 2Z millivolt
rec20 3B megajoule
rec20 3C manmonth
rec20 4C centistokes
rec20 4G microlitre
rec20 4H micrometre (micron)
rec20 4K milliampere
rec20 4L megabyte
rec20 4M milligram per hour
rec20 4N megabecquerel
rec20 4O microfarad
rec20 4P newton per metre
rec20 4Q ounce inch
rec20 4R ounce foot
rec20 4T picofarad
rec20 4U pound per hour
rec20 4W ton (US) per hour
rec20 4X kilolitre per hour
rec20 5A barrel (US) per minute
rec20 5B batch
rec20 5E MMSCF/day
rec20 5J hydraulic horse power
rec20 A10 ampere square metre per joule second
rec20 A11 angstrom
rec20 A12 astronomical unit
rec20 A13 attojoule
rec20 A14 barn
rec20 A15 barn per electronvolt
rec20 A16 barn per steradian electronvolt
rec20 A17 barn per steradian
rec20 A18 becquerel per kilogram
rec20 A19 becquerel per cubic metre
rec20 A2 ampere per centimetre
rec20 A20 British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree Rankine
rec20 A21 British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Rankine
rec20 A22 British thermal unit (international table) per second foot degree Rankine
rec20 A23 British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree Rankine
rec20 A24 candela per square metre
rec20 A26 coulomb metre
rec20 A27 coulomb metre squared per volt
rec20 A28 coulomb per cubic centimetre
rec20 A29 coulomb per cubic metre
rec20 A3 ampere per millimetre
rec20 A30 coulomb per cubic millimetre
rec20 A31 coulomb per kilogram second
rec20 A32 coulomb per mole
rec20 A33 coulomb per square centimetre
rec20 A34 coulomb per square metre
rec20 A35 coulomb per square millimetre
rec20 A36 cubic centimetre per mole
rec20 A37 cubic decimetre per mole
rec20 A38 cubic metre per coulomb
rec20 A39 cubic metre per kilogram
rec20 A4 ampere per square centimetre
rec20 A40 cubic metre per mole
rec20 A41 ampere per square metre
rec20 A42 curie per kilogram
rec20 A43 deadweight tonnage
rec20 A44 decalitre
rec20 A45 decametre
rec20 A47 decitex
rec20 A48 degree Rankine
rec20 A49 denier
rec20 A5 ampere square metre
rec20 A53 electronvolt
rec20 A54 electronvolt per metre
rec20 A55 electronvolt square metre
rec20 A56 electronvolt square metre per kilogram
rec20 A59 8-part cloud cover
rec20 A6 ampere per square metre kelvin squared
rec20 A68 exajoule
rec20 A69 farad per metre
rec20 A7 ampere per square millimetre
rec20 A70 femtojoule
rec20 A71 femtometre
rec20 A73 foot per second squared
rec20 A74 foot pound-force per second
rec20 A75 freight ton
rec20 A76 gal
rec20 A8 ampere second
rec20 A84 gigacoulomb per cubic metre
rec20 A85 gigaelectronvolt
rec20 A86 gigahertz
rec20 A87 gigaohm
rec20 A88 gigaohm metre
rec20 A89 gigapascal
rec20 A9 rate
rec20 A90 gigawatt
rec20 A91 gon
rec20 A93 gram per cubic metre
rec20 A94 gram per mole
rec20 A95 gray
rec20 A96 gray per second
rec20 A97 hectopascal
rec20 A98 henry per metre
rec20 A99 bit
rec20 AA ball
rec20 AB bulk pack
rec20 ACR acre
rec20 ACT activity
rec20 AD byte
rec20 AE ampere per metre
rec20 AH additional minute
rec20 AI average minute per call
rec20 AK fathom
rec20 AL access line
rec20 AMH ampere hour
rec20 AMP ampere
rec20 ANN year
rec20 APZ troy ounce or apothecary ounce
rec20 AQ anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unit
rec20 AS assortment
rec20 ASM alcoholic strength by mass
rec20 ASU alcoholic strength by volume
rec20 ATM standard atmosphere
rec20 AWG american wire gauge
rec20 AY assembly
rec20 AZ British thermal unit (international table) per pound
rec20 B1 barrel (US) per day
rec20 B10 bit per second
rec20 B11 joule per kilogram kelvin
rec20 B12 joule per metre
rec20 B13 joule per square metre
rec20 B14 joule per metre to the fourth power
rec20 B15 joule per mole
rec20 B16 joule per mole kelvin
rec20 B17 credit
rec20 B18 joule second
rec20 B19 digit
rec20 B20 joule square metre per kilogram
rec20 B21 kelvin per watt
rec20 B22 kiloampere
rec20 B23 kiloampere per square metre
rec20 B24 kiloampere per metre
rec20 B25 kilobecquerel per kilogram
rec20 B26 kilocoulomb
rec20 B27 kilocoulomb per cubic metre
rec20 B28 kilocoulomb per square metre
rec20 B29 kiloelectronvolt
rec20 B3 batting pound
rec20 B30 gibibit
rec20 B31 kilogram metre per second
rec20 B32 kilogram metre squared
rec20 B33 kilogram metre squared per second
rec20 B34 kilogram per cubic decimetre
rec20 B35 kilogram per litre
rec20 B4 barrel, imperial
rec20 B41 kilojoule per kelvin
rec20 B42 kilojoule per kilogram
rec20 B43 kilojoule per kilogram kelvin
rec20 B44 kilojoule per mole
rec20 B45 kilomole
rec20 B46 kilomole per cubic metre
rec20 B47 kilonewton
rec20 B48 kilonewton metre
rec20 B49 kiloohm
rec20 B50 kiloohm metre
rec20 B52 kilosecond
rec20 B53 kilosiemens
rec20 B54 kilosiemens per metre
rec20 B55 kilovolt per metre
rec20 B56 kiloweber per metre
rec20 B57 light year
rec20 B58 litre per mole
rec20 B59 lumen hour
rec20 B60 lumen per square metre
rec20 B61 lumen per watt
rec20 B62 lumen second
rec20 B63 lux hour
rec20 B64 lux second
rec20 B66 megaampere per square metre
rec20 B67 megabecquerel per kilogram
rec20 B68 gigabit
rec20 B69 megacoulomb per cubic metre
rec20 B7 cycle
rec20 B70 megacoulomb per square metre
rec20 B71 megaelectronvolt
rec20 B72 megagram per cubic metre
rec20 B73 meganewton
rec20 B74 meganewton metre
rec20 B75 megaohm
rec20 B76 megaohm metre
rec20 B77 megasiemens per metre
rec20 B78 megavolt
rec20 B79 megavolt per metre
rec20 B8 joule per cubic metre
rec20 B80 gigabit per second
rec20 B81 reciprocal metre squared reciprocal second
rec20 B82 inch per linear foot
rec20 B83 metre to the fourth power
rec20 B84 microampere
rec20 B85 microbar
rec20 B86 microcoulomb
rec20 B87 microcoulomb per cubic metre
rec20 B88 microcoulomb per square metre
rec20 B89 microfarad per metre
rec20 B90 microhenry
rec20 B91 microhenry per metre
rec20 B92 micronewton
rec20 B93 micronewton metre
rec20 B94 microohm
rec20 B95 microohm metre
rec20 B96 micropascal
rec20 B97 microradian
rec20 B98 microsecond
rec20 B99 microsiemens
rec20 BAR bar [unit of pressure]
rec20 BB base box
rec20 BFT board foot
rec20 BHP brake horse power
rec20 BIL billion (EUR)
rec20 BLD dry barrel (US)
rec20 BLL barrel (US)
rec20 BP hundred board foot
rec20 BPM beats per minute
rec20 BQL becquerel
rec20 BTU British thermal unit (international table)
rec20 BUA bushel (US)
rec20 BUI bushel (UK)
rec20 C0 call
rec20 C10 millifarad
rec20 C11 milligal
rec20 C12 milligram per metre
rec20 C13 milligray
rec20 C14 millihenry
rec20 C15 millijoule
rec20 C16 millimetre per second
rec20 C17 millimetre squared per second
rec20 C18 millimole
rec20 C19 mole per kilogram
rec20 C20 millinewton
rec20 C21 kibibit
rec20 C22 millinewton per metre
rec20 C23 milliohm metre
rec20 C24 millipascal second
rec20 C25 milliradian
rec20 C26 millisecond
rec20 C27 millisiemens
rec20 C28 millisievert
rec20 C29 millitesla
rec20 C3 microvolt per metre
rec20 C30 millivolt per metre
rec20 C31 milliwatt
rec20 C32 milliwatt per square metre
rec20 C33 milliweber
rec20 C34 mole
rec20 C35 mole per cubic decimetre
rec20 C36 mole per cubic metre
rec20 C37 kilobit
rec20 C38 mole per litre
rec20 C39 nanoampere
rec20 C40 nanocoulomb
rec20 C41 nanofarad
rec20 C42 nanofarad per metre
rec20 C43 nanohenry
rec20 C44 nanohenry per metre
rec20 C45 nanometre
rec20 C46 nanoohm metre
rec20 C47 nanosecond
rec20 C48 nanotesla
rec20 C49 nanowatt
rec20 C50 neper
rec20 C51 neper per second
rec20 C52 picometre
rec20 C53 newton metre second
rec20 C54 newton metre squared per kilogram squared
rec20 C55 newton per square metre
rec20 C56 newton per square millimetre
rec20 C57 newton second
rec20 C58 newton second per metre
rec20 C59 octave
rec20 C60 ohm centimetre
rec20 C61 ohm metre
rec20 C62 one
rec20 C63 parsec
rec20 C64 pascal per kelvin
rec20 C65 pascal second
rec20 C66 pascal second per cubic metre
rec20 C67 pascal second per metre
rec20 C68 petajoule
rec20 C69 phon
rec20 C7 centipoise
rec20 C70 picoampere
rec20 C71 picocoulomb
rec20 C72 picofarad per metre
rec20 C73 picohenry
rec20 C74 kilobit per second
rec20 C75 picowatt
rec20 C76 picowatt per square metre
rec20 C78 pound-force
rec20 C79 kilovolt ampere hour
rec20 C8 millicoulomb per kilogram
rec20 C80 rad
rec20 C81 radian
rec20 C82 radian square metre per mole
rec20 C83 radian square metre per kilogram
rec20 C84 radian per metre
rec20 C85 reciprocal angstrom
rec20 C86 reciprocal cubic metre
rec20 C87 reciprocal cubic metre per second
rec20 C88 reciprocal electron volt per cubic metre
rec20 C89 reciprocal henry
rec20 C9 coil group
rec20 C90 reciprocal joule per cubic metre
rec20 C91 reciprocal kelvin or kelvin to the power minus one
rec20 C92 reciprocal metre
rec20 C93 reciprocal square metre
rec20 C94 reciprocal minute
rec20 C95 reciprocal mole
rec20 C96 reciprocal pascal or pascal to the power minus one
rec20 C97 reciprocal second
rec20 C99 reciprocal second per metre squared
rec20 CCT carrying capacity in metric ton
rec20 CDL candela
rec20 CEL degree Celsius
rec20 CEN hundred
rec20 CG card
rec20 CGM centigram
rec20 CKG coulomb per kilogram
rec20 CLF hundred leave
rec20 CLT centilitre
rec20 CMK square centimetre
rec20 CMQ cubic centimetre
rec20 CMT centimetre
rec20 CNP hundred pack
rec20 CNT cental (UK)
rec20 COU coulomb
rec20 CTG content gram
rec20 CTM metric carat
rec20 CTN content ton (metric)
rec20 CUR curie
rec20 CWA hundred pound (cwt) / hundred weight (US)
rec20 CWI hundred weight (UK)
rec20 D03 kilowatt hour per hour
rec20 D04 lot [unit of weight]
rec20 D1 reciprocal second per steradian
rec20 D10 siemens per metre
rec20 D11 mebibit
rec20 D12 siemens square metre per mole
rec20 D13 sievert
rec20 D15 sone
rec20 D16 square centimetre per erg
rec20 D17 square centimetre per steradian erg
rec20 D18 metre kelvin
rec20 D19 square metre kelvin per watt
rec20 D2 reciprocal second per steradian metre squared
rec20 D20 square metre per joule
rec20 D21 square metre per kilogram
rec20 D22 square metre per mole
rec20 D23 pen gram (protein)
rec20 D24 square metre per steradian
rec20 D25 square metre per steradian joule
rec20 D26 square metre per volt second
rec20 D27 steradian
rec20 D29 terahertz
rec20 D30 terajoule
rec20 D31 terawatt
rec20 D32 terawatt hour
rec20 D33 tesla
rec20 D34 tex
rec20 D36 megabit
rec20 D41 tonne per cubic metre
rec20 D42 tropical year
rec20 D43 unified atomic mass unit
rec20 D44 var
rec20 D45 volt squared per kelvin squared
rec20 D46 volt – ampere
rec20 D47 volt per centimetre
rec20 D48 volt per kelvin
rec20 D49 millivolt per kelvin
rec20 D5 kilogram per square centimetre
rec20 D50 volt per metre
rec20 D51 volt per millimetre
rec20 D52 watt per kelvin
rec20 D53 watt per metre kelvin
rec20 D54 watt per square metre
rec20 D55 watt per square metre kelvin
rec20 D56 watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power
rec20 D57 watt per steradian
rec20 D58 watt per steradian square metre
rec20 D59 weber per metre
rec20 D6 roentgen per second
rec20 D60 weber per millimetre
rec20 D61 minute [unit of angle]
rec20 D62 second [unit of angle]
rec20 D63 book
rec20 D65 round
rec20 D68 number of words
rec20 D69 inch to the fourth power
rec20 D73 joule square metre
rec20 D74 kilogram per mole
rec20 D77 megacoulomb
rec20 D78 megajoule per second
rec20 D80 microwatt
rec20 D81 microtesla
rec20 D82 microvolt
rec20 D83 millinewton metre
rec20 D85 microwatt per square metre
rec20 D86 millicoulomb
rec20 D87 millimole per kilogram
rec20 D88 millicoulomb per cubic metre
rec20 D89 millicoulomb per square metre
rec20 D91 rem
rec20 D93 second per cubic metre
rec20 D94 second per cubic metre radian
rec20 D95 joule per gram
rec20 DAA decare
rec20 DAD ten day
rec20 DAY day
rec20 DB dry pound
rec20 DBM Decibel-milliwatts
rec20 DBW Decibel watt
rec20 DD degree [unit of angle]
rec20 DEC decade
rec20 DG decigram
rec20 DJ decagram
rec20 DLT decilitre
rec20 DMA cubic decametre
rec20 DMK square decimetre
rec20 DMO standard kilolitre
rec20 DMQ cubic decimetre
rec20 DMT decimetre
rec20 DN decinewton metre
rec20 DPC dozen piece
rec20 DPR dozen pair
rec20 DPT displacement tonnage
rec20 DRA dram (US)
rec20 DRI dram (UK)
rec20 DRL dozen roll
rec20 DT dry ton
rec20 DTN decitonne
rec20 DWT pennyweight
rec20 DZN dozen
rec20 DZP dozen pack
rec20 E01 newton per square centimetre
rec20 E07 megawatt hour per hour
rec20 E08 megawatt per hertz
rec20 E09 milliampere hour
rec20 E10 degree day
rec20 E12 mille
rec20 E14 kilocalorie (international table)
rec20 E15 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per hour
rec20 E16 million Btu(IT) per hour
rec20 E17 cubic foot per second
rec20 E18 tonne per hour
rec20 E19 ping
rec20 E20 megabit per second
rec20 E21 shares
rec20 E22 TEU
rec20 E23 tyre
rec20 E25 active unit
rec20 E27 dose
rec20 E28 air dry ton
rec20 E30 strand
rec20 E31 square metre per litre
rec20 E32 litre per hour
rec20 E33 foot per thousand
rec20 E34 gigabyte
rec20 E35 terabyte
rec20 E36 petabyte
rec20 E37 pixel
rec20 E38 megapixel
rec20 E39 dots per inch
rec20 E4 gross kilogram
rec20 E40 part per hundred thousand
rec20 E41 kilogram-force per square millimetre
rec20 E42 kilogram-force per square centimetre
rec20 E43 joule per square centimetre
rec20 E44 kilogram-force metre per square centimetre
rec20 E45 milliohm
rec20 E46 kilowatt hour per cubic metre
rec20 E47 kilowatt hour per kelvin
rec20 E48 service unit
rec20 E49 working day
rec20 E50 accounting unit
rec20 E51 job
rec20 E52 run foot
rec20 E53 test
rec20 E54 trip
rec20 E55 use
rec20 E56 well
rec20 E57 zone
rec20 E58 exabit per second
rec20 E59 exbibyte
rec20 E60 pebibyte
rec20 E61 tebibyte
rec20 E62 gibibyte
rec20 E63 mebibyte
rec20 E64 kibibyte
rec20 E65 exbibit per metre
rec20 E66 exbibit per square metre
rec20 E67 exbibit per cubic metre
rec20 E68 gigabyte per second
rec20 E69 gibibit per metre
rec20 E70 gibibit per square metre
rec20 E71 gibibit per cubic metre
rec20 E72 kibibit per metre
rec20 E73 kibibit per square metre
rec20 E74 kibibit per cubic metre
rec20 E75 mebibit per metre
rec20 E76 mebibit per square metre
rec20 E77 mebibit per cubic metre
rec20 E78 petabit
rec20 E79 petabit per second
rec20 E80 pebibit per metre
rec20 E81 pebibit per square metre
rec20 E82 pebibit per cubic metre
rec20 E83 terabit
rec20 E84 terabit per second
rec20 E85 tebibit per metre
rec20 E86 tebibit per cubic metre
rec20 E87 tebibit per square metre
rec20 E88 bit per metre
rec20 E89 bit per square metre
rec20 E90 reciprocal centimetre
rec20 E91 reciprocal day
rec20 E92 cubic decimetre per hour
rec20 E93 kilogram per hour
rec20 E94 kilomole per second
rec20 E95 mole per second
rec20 E96 degree per second
rec20 E97 millimetre per degree Celsius metre
rec20 E98 degree Celsius per kelvin
rec20 E99 hectopascal per bar
rec20 EA each
rec20 EB electronic mail box
rec20 EQ equivalent gallon
rec20 F01 bit per cubic metre
rec20 F02 kelvin per kelvin
rec20 F03 kilopascal per bar
rec20 F04 millibar per bar
rec20 F05 megapascal per bar
rec20 F06 poise per bar
rec20 F07 pascal per bar
rec20 F08 milliampere per inch
rec20 F10 kelvin per hour
rec20 F11 kelvin per minute
rec20 F12 kelvin per second
rec20 F13 slug
rec20 F14 gram per kelvin
rec20 F15 kilogram per kelvin
rec20 F16 milligram per kelvin
rec20 F17 pound-force per foot
rec20 F18 kilogram square centimetre
rec20 F19 kilogram square millimetre
rec20 F20 pound inch squared
rec20 F21 pound-force inch
rec20 H91 percent per ten thousand
rec20 H92 percent per one hundred thousand
rec20 H93 percent per hundred
rec20 H94 percent per thousand
rec20 H95 percent per volt
rec20 H96 percent per bar
rec20 H98 percent per inch
rec20 H99 percent per metre
rec20 HA hank
Rec20 HAD Piece Day
rec20 HBA hectobar
rec20 HBX hundred boxes
rec20 HC hundred count
rec20 HDW hundred kilogram, dry weight
rec20 HEA head
rec20 HGM hectogram
rec20 HH hundred cubic foot
rec20 HIU hundred international unit
rec20 HKM hundred kilogram, net mass
rec20 HLT hectolitre
rec20 HM mile per hour (statute mile)
Rec20 HMO Piece Month
rec20 HMQ million cubic metre
rec20 HMT hectometre
rec20 HPA hectolitre of pure alcohol
rec20 HTZ hertz
rec20 HUR hour
Rec20 HWE Piece Week
rec20 IA inch pound (pound inch)
rec20 IE person
rec20 INH inch
rec20 INK square inch
rec20 INQ cubic inch
rec20 ISD international sugar degree
rec20 IU inch per second
rec20 IUG international unit per gram
rec20 IV inch per second squared
rec20 J10 percent per millimetre
rec20 J12 per mille per psi
rec20 J13 degree API
rec20 J14 degree Baume (origin scale)
rec20 J15 degree Baume (US heavy)
rec20 J16 degree Baume (US light)
rec20 J17 degree Balling
rec20 J18 degree Brix
rec20 J19 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical)
rec20 J2 joule per kilogram
rec20 J20 degree Fahrenheit per kelvin
rec20 J21 degree Fahrenheit per bar
rec20 J22 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table)
rec20 J23 degree Fahrenheit per hour
rec20 J24 degree Fahrenheit per minute
rec20 J25 degree Fahrenheit per second
rec20 J26 reciprocal degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J27 degree Oechsle
rec20 J28 degree Rankine per hour
rec20 J29 degree Rankine per minute
rec20 J30 degree Rankine per second
rec20 J31 degree Twaddell
rec20 J32 micropoise
rec20 J33 microgram per kilogram
rec20 J34 microgram per cubic metre kelvin
rec20 J35 microgram per cubic metre bar
rec20 J36 microlitre per litre
rec20 J38 baud
rec20 J39 British thermal unit (mean)
rec20 J40 British thermal unit (international table) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J41 British thermal unit (international table) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J42 British thermal unit (international table) inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J43 British thermal unit (international table) per pound degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J44 British thermal unit (international table) per minute
rec20 J45 British thermal unit (international table) per second
rec20 J46 British thermal unit (thermochemical) foot per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J47 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour
rec20 J48 British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J49 British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J50 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree Fahrenheit
rec20 J51 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per minute
rec20 J52 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second
rec20 J53 coulomb square metre per kilogram
rec20 J54 megabaud
rec20 J55 watt second
rec20 J56 bar per bar
rec20 J57 barrel (UK petroleum)
rec20 J58 barrel (UK petroleum) per minute
rec20 J59 barrel (UK petroleum) per day
rec20 J60 barrel (UK petroleum) per hour
rec20 J61 barrel (UK petroleum) per second
rec20 J62 barrel (US petroleum) per hour
rec20 J63 barrel (US petroleum) per second
rec20 J64 bushel (UK) per day
rec20 J65 bushel (UK) per hour
rec20 J66 bushel (UK) per minute
rec20 J67 bushel (UK) per second
rec20 J68 bushel (US dry) per day
rec20 J69 bushel (US dry) per hour
rec20 J70 bushel (US dry) per minute
rec20 J71 bushel (US dry) per second
rec20 J72 centinewton metre
rec20 J73 centipoise per kelvin
rec20 J74 centipoise per bar
rec20 J75 calorie (mean)
rec20 J76 calorie (international table) per gram degree Celsius
rec20 J78 calorie (thermochemical) per centimetre second degree Celsius
rec20 J79 calorie (thermochemical) per gram degree Celsius
rec20 J81 calorie (thermochemical) per minute
rec20 J82 calorie (thermochemical) per second
rec20 J83 clo
rec20 J84 centimetre per second kelvin
rec20 J85 centimetre per second bar
rec20 J87 cubic centimetre per cubic metre
rec20 J90 cubic decimetre per day
rec20 J91 cubic decimetre per cubic metre
rec20 J92 cubic decimetre per minute
rec20 J93 cubic decimetre per second
rec20 J95 ounce (UK fluid) per day
rec20 J96 ounce (UK fluid) per hour
rec20 J97 ounce (UK fluid) per minute
rec20 J98 ounce (UK fluid) per second
rec20 J99 ounce (US fluid) per day
rec20 JE joule per kelvin
rec20 JK megajoule per kilogram
rec20 JM megajoule per cubic metre
rec20 JNT pipeline joint
rec20 JOU joule
rec20 JPS hundred metre
rec20 JWL number of jewels
rec20 K1 kilowatt demand
rec20 K10 ounce (US fluid) per hour
rec20 K11 ounce (US fluid) per minute
rec20 K12 ounce (US fluid) per second
rec20 K13 foot per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K14 foot per hour
rec20 K15 foot pound-force per hour
rec20 K16 foot pound-force per minute
rec20 K17 foot per psi
rec20 K18 foot per second degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K19 foot per second psi
rec20 K2 kilovolt ampere reactive demand
rec20 K20 reciprocal cubic foot
rec20 K21 cubic foot per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K22 cubic foot per day
rec20 K23 cubic foot per psi
rec20 K26 gallon (UK) per day
rec20 K27 gallon (UK) per hour
rec20 K28 gallon (UK) per second
rec20 K3 kilovolt ampere reactive hour
rec20 K30 gallon (US liquid) per second
rec20 K31 gram-force per square centimetre
rec20 K32 gill (UK) per day
rec20 K33 gill (UK) per hour
rec20 K34 gill (UK) per minute
rec20 K35 gill (UK) per second
rec20 K36 gill (US) per day
rec20 K37 gill (US) per hour
rec20 K38 gill (US) per minute
rec20 K39 gill (US) per second
rec20 K40 standard acceleration of free fall
rec20 K41 grain per gallon (US)
rec20 K42 horsepower (boiler)
rec20 K43 horsepower (electric)
rec20 K45 inch per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K46 inch per psi
rec20 K47 inch per second degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K48 inch per second psi
rec20 K49 reciprocal cubic inch
rec20 K50 kilobaud
rec20 K51 kilocalorie (mean)
rec20 K52 kilocalorie (international table) per hour metre degree Celsius
rec20 K53 kilocalorie (thermochemical)
rec20 K54 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per minute
rec20 K55 kilocalorie (thermochemical) per second
rec20 K58 kilomole per hour
rec20 K59 kilomole per cubic metre kelvin
rec20 K6 kilolitre
rec20 K60 kilomole per cubic metre bar
rec20 K61 kilomole per minute
rec20 K62 litre per litre
rec20 K63 reciprocal litre
rec20 K64 pound (avoirdupois) per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K65 pound (avoirdupois) square foot
rec20 K66 pound (avoirdupois) per day
rec20 K67 pound per foot hour
rec20 K68 pound per foot second
rec20 K69 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K70 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic foot psi
rec20 K71 pound (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK)
rec20 K73 pound (avoirdupois) per hour degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K74 pound (avoirdupois) per hour psi
rec20 K75 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K76 pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch psi
rec20 K77 pound (avoirdupois) per psi
rec20 K78 pound (avoirdupois) per minute
rec20 K79 pound (avoirdupois) per minute degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K80 pound (avoirdupois) per minute psi
rec20 K81 pound (avoirdupois) per second
rec20 K82 pound (avoirdupois) per second degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K83 pound (avoirdupois) per second psi
rec20 K84 pound per cubic yard
rec20 K85 pound-force per square foot
rec20 K86 pound-force per square inch degree Fahrenheit
rec20 K87 psi cubic inch per second
rec20 K88 psi litre per second
rec20 K89 psi cubic metre per second
rec20 K90 psi cubic yard per second
rec20 K91 pound-force second per square foot
rec20 K92 pound-force second per square inch
rec20 K93 reciprocal psi
rec20 K94 quart (UK liquid) per day
rec20 K95 quart (UK liquid) per hour
rec20 K96 quart (UK liquid) per minute
rec20 K97 quart (UK liquid) per second
rec20 K98 quart (US liquid) per day
rec20 K99 quart (US liquid) per hour
rec20 KA cake
rec20 KAT katal
rec20 KB kilocharacter
rec20 KBA kilobar
rec20 KCC kilogram of choline chloride
rec20 KDW kilogram drained net weight
rec20 KEL kelvin
rec20 KGM kilogram
rec20 KGS kilogram per second
rec20 KHY kilogram of hydrogen peroxide
rec20 KHZ kilohertz
rec20 KI kilogram per millimetre width
rec20 KIC kilogram, including container
rec20 KIP kilogram, including inner packaging
rec20 KJ kilosegment
rec20 KJO kilojoule
rec20 KL kilogram per metre
rec20 KLK lactic dry material percentage
rec20 KLX kilolux
rec20 KMA kilogram of methylamine
rec20 KMH kilometre per hour
rec20 KMK square kilometre
rec20 KMQ kilogram per cubic metre
rec20 KMT kilometre
rec20 KNI kilogram of nitrogen
rec20 KNM kilonewton per square metre
rec20 KNS kilogram named substance
rec20 KNT knot
rec20 KO milliequivalence caustic potash per gram of product
rec20 KPA kilopascal
rec20 KPH kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)
rec20 KPO kilogram of potassium oxide
rec20 KPP kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride)
rec20 KR kiloroentgen
rec20 KSD kilogram of substance 90 % dry
rec20 KSH kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
rec20 KT kit
rec20 KTN kilotonne
rec20 KUR kilogram of uranium
rec20 KVA kilovolt – ampere
rec20 KVR kilovar
rec20 KVT kilovolt
rec20 KW kilogram per millimetre
rec20 KWH kilowatt hour
rec20 KWN Kilowatt hour per normalized cubic metre
rec20 KWO kilogram of tungsten trioxide
rec20 KWS Kilowatt hour per standard cubic metre
rec20 KWT kilowatt
Rec20 KWY kilowatt year
rec20 KX millilitre per kilogram
rec20 L10 quart (US liquid) per minute
rec20 L11 quart (US liquid) per second
rec20 L12 metre per second kelvin
rec20 L13 metre per second bar
rec20 L14 square metre hour degree Celsius per kilocalorie (international table)
rec20 L15 millipascal second per kelvin
rec20 L16 millipascal second per bar
rec20 L17 milligram per cubic metre kelvin
rec20 L18 milligram per cubic metre bar
rec20 L19 millilitre per litre
rec20 L2 litre per minute
rec20 L20 reciprocal cubic millimetre
rec20 L21 cubic millimetre per cubic metre
rec20 L23 mole per hour
rec20 L24 mole per kilogram kelvin
rec20 L25 mole per kilogram bar
rec20 L26 mole per litre kelvin
rec20 L27 mole per litre bar
rec20 L28 mole per cubic metre kelvin
rec20 L29 mole per cubic metre bar
rec20 L30 mole per minute
rec20 L31 milliroentgen aequivalent men
rec20 L32 nanogram per kilogram
rec20 L33 ounce (avoirdupois) per day
rec20 L34 ounce (avoirdupois) per hour
rec20 L35 ounce (avoirdupois) per minute
rec20 L36 ounce (avoirdupois) per second
rec20 L37 ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (UK)
rec20 L38 ounce (avoirdupois) per gallon (US)
rec20 L39 ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic inch
rec20 L40 ounce (avoirdupois)-force
rec20 L41 ounce (avoirdupois)-force inch
rec20 L42 picosiemens per metre
rec20 L43 peck (UK)
rec20 L44 peck (UK) per day
rec20 L45 peck (UK) per hour
rec20 L46 peck (UK) per minute
rec20 L47 peck (UK) per second
rec20 L48 peck (US dry) per day
rec20 L49 peck (US dry) per hour
rec20 L50 peck (US dry) per minute
rec20 L51 peck (US dry) per second
rec20 L52 psi per psi
rec20 L53 pint (UK) per day
rec20 L54 pint (UK) per hour
rec20 L55 pint (UK) per minute
rec20 L56 pint (UK) per second
rec20 L57 pint (US liquid) per day
rec20 L58 pint (US liquid) per hour
rec20 L59 pint (US liquid) per minute
rec20 L60 pint (US liquid) per second
rec20 L63 slug per day
rec20 L64 slug per foot second
rec20 L65 slug per cubic foot
rec20 L66 slug per hour
rec20 L67 slug per minute
rec20 L68 slug per second
rec20 L69 tonne per kelvin
rec20 L70 tonne per bar
rec20 L71 tonne per day
rec20 L72 tonne per day kelvin
rec20 L73 tonne per day bar
rec20 L74 tonne per hour kelvin
rec20 L75 tonne per hour bar
rec20 L76 tonne per cubic metre kelvin
rec20 L77 tonne per cubic metre bar
rec20 L78 tonne per minute
rec20 L79 tonne per minute kelvin
rec20 L80 tonne per minute bar
rec20 L81 tonne per second
rec20 L82 tonne per second kelvin
rec20 L83 tonne per second bar
rec20 L84 ton (UK shipping)
rec20 L85 ton long per day
rec20 L86 ton (US shipping)
rec20 L87 ton short per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 L88 ton short per day
rec20 L89 ton short per hour degree Fahrenheit
rec20 L90 ton short per hour psi
rec20 L91 ton short per psi
rec20 L92 ton (UK long) per cubic yard
rec20 L93 ton (US short) per cubic yard
rec20 L94 ton-force (US short)
rec20 L95 common year
rec20 L96 sidereal year
rec20 L98 yard per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 L99 yard per psi
rec20 LA pound per cubic inch
rec20 LAC lactose excess percentage
rec20 LBR pound
rec20 LBT troy pound (US)
rec20 LD litre per day
rec20 LEF leaf
rec20 LF linear foot
rec20 LH labour hour
rec20 LK link
rec20 LM linear metre
rec20 LN length
rec20 LO lot [unit of procurement]
rec20 LP liquid pound
rec20 LPA litre of pure alcohol
rec20 LR layer
rec20 LS lump sum
rec20 LTN ton (UK) or long ton (US)
rec20 LTR litre
rec20 LUB metric ton, lubricating oil
rec20 LUM lumen
rec20 LUX lux
rec20 LY linear yard
rec20 M1 milligram per litre
rec20 M10 reciprocal cubic yard
rec20 M11 cubic yard per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 M12 cubic yard per day
rec20 M13 cubic yard per hour
rec20 M14 cubic yard per psi
rec20 M15 cubic yard per minute
rec20 M16 cubic yard per second
rec20 M17 kilohertz metre
rec20 M18 gigahertz metre
rec20 M19 Beaufort
rec20 M20 reciprocal megakelvin or megakelvin to the power minus one
rec20 M21 reciprocal kilovolt – ampere reciprocal hour
rec20 M22 millilitre per square centimetre minute
rec20 M23 newton per centimetre
rec20 M24 ohm kilometre
rec20 M25 percent per degree Celsius
rec20 M26 gigaohm per metre
rec20 M27 megahertz metre
rec20 M29 kilogram per kilogram
rec20 M30 reciprocal volt – ampere reciprocal second
rec20 M31 kilogram per kilometre
rec20 M32 pascal second per litre
rec20 M33 millimole per litre
rec20 M34 newton metre per square metre
rec20 M35 millivolt – ampere
rec20 M36 30-day month
rec20 M37 actual/360
rec20 M38 kilometre per second squared
rec20 M39 centimetre per second squared
rec20 M4 monetary value
rec20 M40 yard per second squared
rec20 M41 millimetre per second squared
rec20 M42 mile (statute mile) per second squared
rec20 M43 mil
rec20 M44 revolution
rec20 M45 degree [unit of angle] per second squared
rec20 M46 revolution per minute
rec20 M47 circular mil
rec20 M48 square mile (based on U.S. survey foot)
rec20 M49 chain (based on U.S. survey foot)
rec20 M5 microcurie
rec20 M50 furlong
rec20 M51 foot (U.S. survey)
rec20 M52 mile (based on U.S. survey foot)
rec20 M53 metre per pascal
rec20 M55 metre per radiant
rec20 M56 shake
rec20 M57 mile per minute
rec20 M58 mile per second
rec20 M59 metre per second pascal
rec20 M60 metre per hour
rec20 M61 inch per year
rec20 M62 kilometre per second
rec20 M63 inch per minute
rec20 M64 yard per second
rec20 M65 yard per minute
rec20 M66 yard per hour
rec20 M67 acre-foot (based on U.S. survey foot)
rec20 M68 cord (128 ft³)
rec20 M69 cubic mile (UK statute)
rec20 M7 micro-inch
rec20 M70 ton, register
rec20 M71 cubic metre per pascal
rec20 M72 bel
rec20 M73 kilogram per cubic metre pascal
rec20 M74 kilogram per pascal
rec20 M75 kilopound-force
rec20 M76 poundal
rec20 M77 kilogram metre per second squared
rec20 M78 pond
rec20 M79 square foot per hour
rec20 M80 stokes per pascal
rec20 M81 square centimetre per second
rec20 M82 square metre per second pascal
rec20 M83 denier
rec20 M84 pound per yard
rec20 M85 ton, assay
rec20 M86 pfund
rec20 M87 kilogram per second pascal
rec20 M88 tonne per month
rec20 M89 tonne per year
rec20 M9 million Btu per 1000 cubic foot
rec20 M90 kilopound per hour
rec20 M91 pound per pound
rec20 M92 pound-force foot
rec20 M93 newton metre per radian
rec20 M94 kilogram metre
rec20 M95 poundal foot
rec20 M96 poundal inch
rec20 M97 dyne metre
rec20 M98 kilogram centimetre per second
rec20 M99 gram centimetre per second
rec20 MAH megavolt ampere reactive hour
rec20 MAL megalitre
rec20 MAM megametre
rec20 MAR megavar
rec20 MAW megawatt
rec20 MBE thousand standard brick equivalent
rec20 MBF thousand board foot
rec20 MBR millibar
rec20 MC microgram
rec20 MCU millicurie
rec20 MD air dry metric ton
rec20 MGM milligram
rec20 MHZ megahertz
rec20 MIK square mile (statute mile)
rec20 MIL thousand
rec20 MIN minute [unit of time]
rec20 MIO million
rec20 MIU million international unit
Rec20 MKD Square Metre Day
Rec20 MKM Square Metre Month
Rec20 MKW Square Metre Week
rec20 MLD milliard
rec20 MLT millilitre
rec20 MK square millimetre
rec20 MMQ cubic millimetre
rec20 MMT millimetre
rec20 MND kilogram, dry weight
Rec20 MNJ Mega Joule per Normalised cubic Metre
rec20 MON month
rec20 MPA megapascal
Rec20 MQD Cubic Metre Day
rec20 MQH cubic metre per hour
Rec20 MQM Cubic Metre Month
rec20 MQS cubic metre per second
Rec20 MQW Cubic Metre Week
Rec20 MRD Metre Day
Rec20 MRM Metre Month
Rec20 MRW Metre Week
rec20 MSK metre per second squared
rec20 MTK square metre
rec20 MTQ cubic metre
rec20 MTR metre
rec20 MTS metre per second
Rec20 MTZ milihertz
rec20 MVA megavolt – ampere
rec20 MWH megawatt hour (1000 kW.h)
rec20 N1 pen calorie
rec20 N10 pound foot per second
rec20 N11 pound inch per second
rec20 N12 Pferdestaerke
rec20 N13 centimetre of mercury (0 ºC)
rec20 N14 centimetre of water (4 ºC)
rec20 N15 foot of water (39.2 ºF)
rec20 N16 inch of mercury (32 ºF)
rec20 N17 inch of mercury (60 ºF)
rec20 N18 inch of water (39.2 ºF)
rec20 N19 inch of water (60 ºF)
rec20 N20 kip per square inch
rec20 N21 poundal per square foot
rec20 N22 ounce (avoirdupois) per square inch
rec20 N23 conventional metre of water
rec20 N24 gram per square millimetre
rec20 N25 pound per square yard
rec20 N26 poundal per square inch
rec20 N27 foot to the fourth power
rec20 N28 cubic decimetre per kilogram
rec20 N29 cubic foot per pound
rec20 N3 print point
rec20 N30 cubic inch per pound
rec20 N31 kilonewton per metre
rec20 N32 poundal per inch
rec20 N33 pound-force per yard
rec20 N34 poundal per square foot
rec20 N35 poise per pascal
rec20 N36 newton second per square metre
rec20 N37 kilogram per metre second
rec20 N38 kilogram per metre minute
rec20 N39 kilogram per metre day
rec20 N40 kilogram per metre hour
rec20 N41 gram per centimetre second
rec20 N42 poundal second per square inch
rec20 N43 pound per foot minute
rec20 N44 pound per foot day
rec20 N45 cubic metre per second pascal
rec20 N46 foot poundal
rec20 N47 inch poundal
rec20 N48 watt per square centimetre
rec20 N49 watt per square inch
rec20 N50 British thermal unit (international table) per square foot hour
rec20 N51 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot hour
rec20 N52 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot minute
rec20 N53 British thermal unit (international table) per cubic foot
rec20 N54 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per cubic foot
rec20 N55 British thermal unit (international table) per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 N56 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per degree Fahrenheit
rec20 N57 British thermal unit (international table) per degree Rankine
rec20 N58 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per degree Rankine
rec20 N59 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound degree Rankine
rec20 N60 kilocalorie (international table) per gram kelvin
rec20 N61 British thermal unit (39 ºF)
rec20 N62 British thermal unit (59 ºF)
rec20 N63 British thermal unit (60 ºF)
rec20 N64 calorie (20 ºC)
rec20 N65 quad (10^15 BtuIT)
rec20 N66 therm (EC)
rec20 N67 therm (U.S.)
rec20 N68 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per pound
rec20 N69 British thermal unit (international table) per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 N70 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 N71 British thermal unit (international table) per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 N72 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per second square foot degree Fahrenheit
rec20 N73 kilowatt per square metre kelvin
rec20 N74 kelvin per pascal
rec20 N75 watt per metre degree Celsius
rec20 N76 kilowatt per metre kelvin
rec20 N77 kilowatt per metre degree Celsius
rec20 N78 metre per degree Celsius metre
rec20 N79 degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unit (international table)
rec20 N80 degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unit (thermochemical)
rec20 N81 degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unit (international table)
rec20 N82 degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unit (thermochemical)
rec20 N83 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (international table) inch
rec20 N84 degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British thermal unit (thermochemical) inch
rec20 N90 kilofarad
rec20 N91 reciprocal joule
rec20 N92 picosiemens
rec20 N93 ampere per pascal
rec20 N94 franklin
rec20 N95 ampere minute
rec20 N96 biot
rec20 N97 gilbert
rec20 N98 volt per pascal
rec20 N99 picovolt
rec20 NA milligram per kilogram
rec20 NAR number of articles
rec20 NCL number of cells
rec20 NEW newton
rec20 NF message
rec20 NIL nil
rec20 NIU number of international units
rec20 NL load
rec20 NM3 Normalised cubic metre
rec20 NMI nautical mile
rec20 NMP number of packs
rec20 NPT number of parts
rec20 NT net ton
Rec20 NTU Nephelometric turbidity unit
rec20 NU newton metre
rec20 NX part per thousand
rec20 OA panel
rec20 ODE ozone depletion equivalent
rec20 ODG ODS Grams
rec20 ODK ODS Kilograms
rec20 ODM ODS Milligrams
rec20 OHM ohm
rec20 ON ounce per square yard
rec20 ONZ ounce (avoirdupois)
rec20 OPM oscillations per minute
rec20 OT overtime hour
rec20 OZA fluid ounce (US)
rec20 OZI fluid ounce (UK)
rec20 P1 percent
rec20 P10 coulomb per metre
rec20 P11 kiloweber
rec20 P12 gamma
rec20 P13 kilotesla
rec20 P14 joule per second
rec20 P15 joule per minute
rec20 P16 joule per hour
rec20 P17 joule per day
rec20 P18 kilojoule per second
rec20 P19 kilojoule per minute
rec20 P2 pound per foot
rec20 P20 kilojoule per hour
rec20 P21 kilojoule per day
rec20 P22 nanoohm
rec20 P23 ohm circular-mil per foot
rec20 P24 kilohenry
rec20 P25 lumen per square foot
rec20 P26 phot
rec20 P27 footcandle
rec20 P28 candela per square inch
rec20 P29 footlambert
rec20 P30 lambert
rec20 P31 stilb
rec20 P32 candela per square foot
rec20 P33 kilocandela
rec20 P34 millicandela
rec20 P35 Hefner-Kerze
rec20 P36 international candle
rec20 P37 British thermal unit (international table) per square foot
rec20 P38 British thermal unit (thermochemical) per square foot
rec20 P39 calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre
rec20 P40 langley
rec20 P41 decade (logarithmic)
rec20 P42 pascal squared second
rec20 P43 bel per metre
rec20 P44 pound mole
rec20 P45 pound mole per second
rec20 P46 pound mole per minute
rec20 P47 kilomole per kilogram
rec20 P48 pound mole per pound
rec20 P49 newton square metre per ampere
rec20 P5 five pack
rec20 P50 weber metre
rec20 P51 mol per kilogram pascal
rec20 P52 mol per cubic metre pascal
rec20 P53 unit pole
rec20 P54 milligray per second
rec20 P55 microgray per second
rec20 P56 nanogray per second
rec20 P57 gray per minute
rec20 P58 milligray per minute
rec20 P59 microgray per minute
rec20 P60 nanogray per minute
rec20 P61 gray per hour
rec20 P62 milligray per hour
rec20 P63 microgray per hour
rec20 P64 nanogray per hour
rec20 P65 sievert per second
rec20 P66 millisievert per second
rec20 P67 microsievert per second
rec20 P68 nanosievert per second
rec20 P69 rem per second
rec20 P70 sievert per hour
rec20 P71 millisievert per hour
rec20 P72 microsievert per hour
rec20 P73 nanosievert per hour
rec20 P74 sievert per minute
rec20 P75 millisievert per minute
rec20 P76 microsievert per minute
rec20 P77 nanosievert per minute
rec20 P78 reciprocal square inch
rec20 P79 pascal square metre per kilogram
rec20 P80 millipascal per metre
rec20 P81 kilopascal per metre
rec20 P82 hectopascal per metre
rec20 P83 standard atmosphere per metre
rec20 P84 technical atmosphere per metre
rec20 P85 torr per metre
rec20 P86 psi per inch
rec20 P87 cubic metre per second square metre
rec20 P88 rhe
rec20 P89 pound-force foot per inch
rec20 P90 pound-force inch per inch
rec20 P91 perm (0 ºC)
rec20 P92 perm (23 ºC)
rec20 P93 byte per second
rec20 P94 kilobyte per second
rec20 P95 megabyte per second
rec20 P96 reciprocal volt
rec20 P97 reciprocal radian
rec20 P98 pascal to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers
rec20 P99 mole per cubic metre to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers
rec20 PAL pascal
rec20 PD pad
rec20 PFL proof litre
rec20 PGL proof gallon
rec20 PI pitch
rec20 PLA degree Plato
rec20 PO pound per inch of length
rec20 PQ page per inch
rec20 PR pair
rec20 PS pound-force per square inch
rec20 PTD dry pint (US)
rec20 PTI pint (UK)
rec20 PTL liquid pint (US)
rec20 PTN portion
rec20 Q10 joule per tesla
rec20 Q11 erlang
rec20 Q12 octet
rec20 Q13 octet per second
rec20 Q14 shannon
rec20 Q15 hartley
rec20 Q16 natural unit of information
rec20 Q17 shannon per second
rec20 Q18 hartley per second
rec20 Q19 natural unit of information per second
rec20 Q20 second per kilogram
rec20 Q21 watt square metre
rec20 Q22 second per radian cubic metre
rec20 Q23 weber to the power minus one
rec20 Q24 reciprocal inch
rec20 Q25 dioptre
rec20 Q26 one per one
rec20 Q27 newton metre per metre
rec20 Q28 kilogram per square metre pascal second
rec20 Q29 microgram per hectogram
rec20 Q3 meal
rec20 Q30 pH (potential of Hydrogen)
rec20 Q31 kilojoule per gram
rec20 Q32 femtolitre
rec20 Q33 picolitre
rec20 Q34 nanolitre
rec20 Q35 megawatts per minute
rec20 Q36 square metre per cubic metre
rec20 Q37 Standard cubic metre per day
rec20 Q38 Standard cubic metre per hour
rec20 Q39 Normalized cubic metre per day
rec20 Q40 Normalized cubic metre per hour
rec20 Q41 Joule per normalised cubic metre
rec20 Q42 Joule per standard cubic metre
rec20 QA page – facsimile
rec20 QAN quarter (of a year)
rec20 QB page – hardcopy
rec20 QR quire
rec20 QTD dry quart (US)
rec20 QTI quart (UK)
rec20 QTL liquid quart (US)
rec20 QTR quarter (UK)
rec20 R1 pica
rec20 R9 thousand cubic metre
rec20 RH running or operating hour
rec20 RM ream
rec20 ROM room
rec20 RP pound per ream
rec20 RPM revolutions per minute
rec20 RPS revolutions per second
rec20 RT revenue ton mile
rec20 S3 square foot per second
rec20 S4 square metre per second
rec20 SAN half year (6 months)
rec20 SCO score
rec20 SCR scruple
rec20 SEC second [unit of time]
rec20 SET set
rec20 SG segment
rec20 SIE siemens
rec20 SM3 Standard cubic metre
rec20 SMI mile (statute mile)
rec20 SQ square
rec20 SQR square, roofing
rec20 SR strip
rec20 STC stick
rec20 STI stone (UK)
rec20 STK stick, cigarette
rec20 STL standard litre
rec20 STN ton (US) or short ton (UK/US)
rec20 STW straw
rec20 SW skein
rec20 SX shipment
rec20 SYR syringe
rec20 T0 telecommunication line in service
rec20 T3 thousand piece
rec20 TAH kiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour)
rec20 TAN total acid number
rec20 TI thousand square inch
rec20 TIC metric ton, including container
rec20 TIP metric ton, including inner packaging
rec20 TKM tonne kilometre
rec20 TMS kilogram of imported meat, less offal
rec20 TNE tonne (metric ton)
rec20 TP ten pack
rec20 TPI teeth per inch
rec20 TPR ten pair
rec20 TQD thousand cubic metre per day
rec20 TRL trillion (EUR)
rec20 TST ten set
rec20 TTS ten thousand sticks
rec20 U1 treatment
rec20 U2 tablet
rec20 UB telecommunication line in service average
rec20 UC telecommunication port
rec20 VA volt – ampere per kilogram
rec20 VLT volt
rec20 VP percent volume
rec20 W2 wet kilo
rec20 WA watt per kilogram
rec20 WB wet pound
rec20 WCD cord
rec20 WE wet ton
rec20 WEB weber
rec20 WEE week
rec20 WG wine gallon
rec20 WHR watt hour
rec20 WM working month
rec20 WSD standard
rec20 WTT watt
rec20 X1 Gunter’s chain
rec20 YDK square yard
rec20 YDQ cubic yard
rec20 YRD yard
rec20 Z11 hanging container
Rec20 Z9 nanomole
rec20 ZP page
rec20 ZZ mutually defined
rec21 X1A Drum, steel
rec21 X1B Drum, aluminium
rec21 X1D Drum, plywood
rec21 X1F Container, flexible
rec21 X1G Drum, fibre
rec21 X1W Drum, wooden
rec21 X2C Barrel, wooden
rec21 X3A Jerrican, steel
rec21 X3H Jerrican, plastic
rec21 X43 Bag, super bulk
rec21 X44 Bag, polybag
rec21 X4A Box, steel
rec21 X4B Box, aluminium
rec21 X4C Box, natural wood
rec21 X4D Box, plywood
rec21 X4F Box, reconstituted wood
rec21 X4G Box, fibreboard
rec21 X4H Box, plastic
rec21 X5H Bag, woven plastic
rec21 X5L Bag, textile
rec21 X5M Bag, paper
rec21 X6H Composite packaging, plastic receptacle
rec21 X6P Composite packaging, glass receptacle
rec21 X7A Case, car
rec21 X7B Case, wooden
rec21 X8A Pallet, wooden
rec21 X8B Crate, wooden
rec21 X8C Bundle, wooden
rec21 XAA Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic
rec21 XAB Receptacle, fibre
rec21 XAC Receptacle, paper
rec21 XAD Receptacle, wooden
rec21 XAE Aerosol
rec21 XAF Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 60cms
rec21 XAG Pallet, shrinkwrapped
rec21 XAH Pallet, 100cms * 110cms
rec21 XAI Clamshell
rec21 XAJ Cone
rec21 XAL Ball
rec21 XAM Ampoule, non-protected
rec21 XAP Ampoule, protected
rec21 XAT Atomizer
rec21 XAV Capsule
rec21 XB4 Belt
rec21 XBA Barrel
rec21 XBB Bobbin
rec21 XBC Bottlecrate / bottlerack
rec21 XBD Board
rec21 XBE Bundle
rec21 XBF Balloon, non-protected
rec21 XBG Bag
rec21 XBH Bunch
rec21 XBI Bin
rec21 XBJ Bucket
rec21 XBK Basket
rec21 XBL Bale, compressed
rec21 XBM Basin
rec21 XBN Bale, non-compressed
rec21 XBO Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical
rec21 XBP Balloon, protected
rec21 XBQ Bottle, protected cylindrical
rec21 XBR Bar
rec21 XBS Bottle, non-protected, bulbous
rec21 XBT Bolt
rec21 XBU Butt
rec21 XBV Bottle, protected bulbous
rec21 XBW Box, for liquids
rec21 XBX Box
rec21 XBY Board, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XBZ Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XCA Can, rectangular
rec21 XCB Crate, beer
rec21 XCC Churn
rec21 XCD Can, with handle and spout
rec21 XCE Creel
rec21 XCF Coffer
rec21 XCG Cage
rec21 XCH Chest
rec21 XCI Canister
rec21 XCJ Coffin
rec21 XCK Cask
rec21 XCL Coil
rec21 XCM Card
rec21 XCN Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment
rec21 XCO Carboy, non-protected
rec21 XCP Carboy, protected
rec21 XCQ Cartridge
rec21 XCR Crate
rec21 XCS Case
rec21 XCT Carton
rec21 XCU Cup
rec21 XCV Cover
rec21 XCW Cage, roll
rec21 XCX Can, cylindrical
rec21 XCY Cylinder
rec21 XCZ Canvas
rec21 XDA Crate, multiple layer, plastic
rec21 XDB Crate, multiple layer, wooden
rec21 XDC Crate, multiple layer, cardboard
rec21 XDG Cage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP)
rec21 XDH Box, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP), Eurobox
rec21 XDI Drum, iron
rec21 XDJ Demijohn, non-protected
rec21 XDK Crate, bulk, cardboard
rec21 XDL Crate, bulk, plastic
rec21 XDM Crate, bulk, wooden
rec21 XDN Dispenser
rec21 XDP Demijohn, protected
rec21 XDR Drum
rec21 XDS Tray, one layer no cover, plastic
rec21 XDT Tray, one layer no cover, wooden
rec21 XDU Tray, one layer no cover, polystyrene
rec21 XDV Tray, one layer no cover, cardboard
rec21 XDW Tray, two layers no cover, plastic tray
rec21 XDX Tray, two layers no cover, wooden
rec21 XDY Tray, two layers no cover, cardboard
rec21 XEC Bag, plastic
rec21 XED Case, with pallet base
rec21 XEE Case, with pallet base, wooden
rec21 XEF Case, with pallet base, cardboard
rec21 XEG Case, with pallet base, plastic
rec21 XEH Case, with pallet base, metal
rec21 XEI Case, isothermic
rec21 XEN Envelope
rec21 XFB Flexibag
rec21 XFC Crate, fruit
rec21 XFD Crate, framed
rec21 XFE Flexitank
rec21 XFI Firkin
rec21 XFL Flask
rec21 XFO Footlocker
rec21 XFP Filmpack
rec21 XFR Frame
rec21 XFT Foodtainer
rec21 XFW Cart, flatbed
rec21 XFX Bag, flexible container
rec21 XGB Bottle, gas
rec21 XGI Girder
rec21 XGL Container, gallon
rec21 XGR Receptacle, glass
rec21 XGU Tray, containing horizontally stacked flat items
rec21 XGY Bag, gunny
rec21 XGZ Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XHA Basket, with handle, plastic
rec21 XHB Basket, with handle, wooden
rec21 XHC Basket, with handle, cardboard
rec21 XHG Hogshead
rec21 XHN Hanger
rec21 XHR Hamper
rec21 XIA Package, display, wooden
rec21 XIB Package, display, cardboard
rec21 XIC Package, display, plastic
rec21 XID Package, display, metal
rec21 XIE Package, show
rec21 XIF Package, flow
rec21 XIG Package, paper wrapped
rec21 XIH Drum, plastic
rec21 XIK Package, cardboard, with bottle grip-holes
rec21 XIL Tray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14482:2002)
rec21 XIN Ingot
rec21 XIZ Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XJB Bag, jumbo
rec21 XJC Jerrican, rectangular
rec21 XJG Jug
rec21 XJR Jar
rec21 XJT Jutebag
rec21 XJY Jerrican, cylindrical
rec21 XKG Keg
rec21 XKI Kit
rec21 XLE Luggage
rec21 XLG Log
rec21 XLT Lot
rec21 XLU Lug
rec21 XLV Liftvan
rec21 XLZ Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XMA Crate, metal
rec21 XMB Bag, multiply
rec21 XMC Crate, milk
rec21 XME Container, metal
rec21 XMR Receptacle, metal
rec21 XMS Sack, multi-wall
rec21 XMT Mat
rec21 XMW Receptacle, plastic wrapped
rec21 XMX Matchbox
rec21 XNA Not available
rec21 XNE Unpacked or unpackaged
rec21 XNF Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit
rec21 XNG Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units
rec21 XNS Nest
rec21 XNT Net
rec21 XNU Net, tube, plastic
rec21 XNV Net, tube, textile
Rec21 XO1 Two sided cage on wheels with fixing strap
Rec21 XO2 Trolley
Rec21 XO3 Oneway pallet ISO 0 – 1/2 EURO Pallet
Rec21 XO4 Oneway pallet ISO 1 – 1/1 EURO Pallet
Rec21 XO5 Oneway pallet ISO 2 – 2/1 EURO Pallet
Rec21 XO6 Pallet with exceptional dimensions
Rec21 XO7 Wooden pallet 40 cm x 80 cm
Rec21 XO8 Plastic pallet SRS 60 cm x 80 cm
Rec21 XO9 Plastic pallet SRS 80 cm x 120 cm
rec21 XOA Pallet, CHEP 40 cm x 60 cm
rec21 XOB Pallet, CHEP 80 cm x 120 cm
rec21 XOC Pallet, CHEP 100 cm x 120 cm
rec21 XOD Pallet, AS 4068-1993
rec21 XOE Pallet, ISO T11
rec21 XOF Platform, unspecified weight or dimension
Rec21 XOG Pallet ISO 0 – 1/2 EURO Pallet
Rec21 XOH Pallet ISO 1 – 1/1 EURO Pallet
Rec21 XOI Pallet ISO 2 – 2/1 EURO Pallet
Rec21 XOJ 1/4 EURO Pallet
rec21 XOK Block
Rec21 XOL 1/8 EURO Pallet
Rec21 XOM Synthetic pallet ISO 1
Rec21 XON Synthetic pallet ISO 2
Rec21 XOP Wholesaler pallet
Rec21 XOQ Pallet 80 X 100 cm
Rec21 XOR Pallet 60 X 100 cm
Rec21 XOS Oneway pallet
rec21 XOT Octabin
rec21 XOU Container, outer
Rec21 XOV Returnable pallet
Rec21 XOW Large bag, pallet sized
Rec21 XOX A wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 67 x 135)
Rec21 XOY A Wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 72 x 135)
Rec21 XOZ Wheeled pallet with raised rim ( 81 x 60 x 16)
rec21 XP1 CHEP pallet 60 cm x 80 cm
rec21 XP2 Pan
Rec21 XP3 LPR pallet 60 cm x 80 cm
Rec21 XP4 LPR pallet 80 cm x 120 cm
rec21 XPA Packet
rec21 XPB Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet
rec21 XPC Parcel
rec21 XPD Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cms
rec21 XPE Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cms
rec21 XPF Pen
rec21 XPG Plate
rec21 XPH Pitcher
rec21 XPI Pipe
rec21 XPJ Punnet
rec21 XPK Package
rec21 XPL Pail
rec21 XPN Plank
rec21 XPO Pouch
rec21 XPP Piece
rec21 XPR Receptacle, plastic
rec21 XPT Pot
rec21 XPU Tray
rec21 XPV Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XPX Pallet
rec21 XPY Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XPZ Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XQA Drum, steel, non-removable head
rec21 XQB Drum, steel, removable head
rec21 XQC Drum, aluminium, non-removable head
rec21 XQD Drum, aluminium, removable head
rec21 XQF Drum, plastic, non-removable head
rec21 XQG Drum, plastic, removable head
rec21 XQH Barrel, wooden, bung type
rec21 XQJ Barrel, wooden, removable head
rec21 XQK Jerrican, steel, non-removable head
rec21 XQL Jerrican, steel, removable head
rec21 XQM Jerrican, plastic, non-removable head
rec21 XQN Jerrican, plastic, removable head
rec21 XQP Box, wooden, natural wood, ordinary
rec21 XQQ Box, wooden, natural wood, with sift proof walls
rec21 XQR Box, plastic, expanded
rec21 XQS Box, plastic, solid
rec21 XRD Rod
rec21 XRG Ring
rec21 XRJ Rack, clothing hanger
rec21 XRK Rack
rec21 XRL Reel
rec21 XRO Roll
rec21 XRT Rednet
rec21 XRZ Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XSA Sack
rec21 XSB Slab
rec21 XSC Crate, shallow
rec21 XSD Spindle
rec21 XSE Sea-chest
rec21 XSH Sachet
rec21 XSI Skid
rec21 XSK Case, skeleton
rec21 XSL Slipsheet
rec21 XSM Sheetmetal
rec21 XSO Spool
rec21 XSP Sheet, plastic wrapping
rec21 XSS Case, steel
rec21 XST Sheet
rec21 XSU Suitcase
rec21 XSV Envelope, steel
rec21 XSW Shrinkwrapped
Rec21 XSX Set
rec21 XSY Sleeve
rec21 XSZ Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XT1 Tablet
rec21 XTB Tub
rec21 XTC Tea-chest
rec21 XTD Tube, collapsible
rec21 XTE Tyre
rec21 XTG Tank container, generic
rec21 XTI Tierce
rec21 XTK Tank, rectangular
rec21 XTL Tub, with lid
rec21 XTN Tin
rec21 XTO Tun
rec21 XTR Trunk
rec21 XTS Truss
rec21 XTT Bag, tote
rec21 XTU Tube
rec21 XTV Tube, with nozzle
rec21 XTW Pallet, triwall
rec21 XTY Tank, cylindrical
rec21 XTZ Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss
rec21 XUC Uncaged
rec21 XUN Unit
rec21 XVA Vat
rec21 XVG Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15°C)
rec21 XVI Vial
rec21 XVK Vanpack
rec21 XVL Bulk, liquid
rec21 XVN Vehicle
rec21 XVO Bulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”)
rec21 XVP Vacuum-packed
rec21 XVQ Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure)
rec21 XVR Bulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”)
rec21 XVS Bulk, scrap metal
rec21 XVY Bulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”)
rec21 XWA Intermediate bulk container
rec21 XWB Wickerbottle
rec21 XWC Intermediate bulk container, steel
rec21 XWD Intermediate bulk container, aluminium
rec21 XWF Intermediate bulk container, metal
rec21 XWG Intermediate bulk container, steel, pressurised > 10 kpa
rec21 XWH Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised > 10 kpa
rec21 XWJ Intermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa
rec21 XWK Intermediate bulk container, steel, liquid
rec21 XWL Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid
rec21 XWM Intermediate bulk container, metal, liquid
rec21 XWN Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, without coat/liner
rec21 XWP Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated
rec21 XWQ Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, with liner
rec21 XWR Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner
rec21 XWS Intermediate bulk container, plastic film
rec21 XWT Intermediate bulk container, textile with out coat/liner
rec21 XWU Intermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner
rec21 XWV Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated
rec21 XWW Intermediate bulk container, textile, with liner
rec21 XWX Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner
rec21 XWY Intermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner
rec21 XWZ Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner
rec21 XXA Bag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner
rec21 XXB Bag, woven plastic, sift proof
rec21 XXC Bag, woven plastic, water resistant
rec21 XXD Bag, plastics film
rec21 XXF Bag, textile, without inner coat/liner
rec21 XXG Bag, textile, sift proof
rec21 XXH Bag, textile, water resistant
rec21 XXJ Bag, paper, multi-wall
rec21 XXK Bag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
rec21 XYA Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum
rec21 XYB Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box
rec21 XYC Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum
rec21 XYD Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate
rec21 XYF Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box
rec21 XYG Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum
rec21 XYH Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box
rec21 XYJ Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum
rec21 XYK Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box
rec21 XYL Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum
rec21 XYM Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box
rec21 XYN Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum
rec21 XYP Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box
rec21 XYQ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum
rec21 XYR Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate
rec21 XYS Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box
rec21 XYT Composite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum
rec21 XYV Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper
rec21 XYW Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum
rec21 XYX Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box
rec21 XYY Composite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack
rec21 XYZ Composite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack
rec21 XZA Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall
rec21 XZB Bag, large
rec21 XZC Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
rec21 XZD Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids
rec21 XZF Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids
rec21 XZG Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised
rec21 XZH Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised
rec21 XZJ Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids
rec21 XZK Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids
rec21 XZL Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids
rec21 XZM Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, solids
rec21 XZN Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised
rec21 XZP Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised
rec21 XZQ Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids
rec21 XZR Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids
rec21 XZS Intermediate bulk container, composite
rec21 XZT Intermediate bulk container, fibreboard
rec21 XZU Intermediate bulk container, flexible
rec21 XZV Intermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel
rec21 XZW Intermediate bulk container, natural wood
rec21 XZX Intermediate bulk container, plywood
rec21 XZY Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood
rec21 XZZ Mutually defined

EasyFirma: Das einfache Rechnungsprogramm

Unterstützt XRechnung und ZUGFeRD: EasyFirma ermöglicht einfache Erstellung, Versand und Archivierung von E-Rechnungen im XRechnung und/oder im  ZUGFeRD Format.

Einfach zu bedienen: Intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, die keine speziellen Vorkenntnisse erfordert.

100% Rechtssicher: Mit EasyFirma erstellen Sie E-Rechnungen, die allen gesetzlichen Vorgaben entsprechen.

PC oder Onlineversion: Flexibler Einsatz entweder als installierbare Software oder als Onlineversion.

Mehrbenutzer/Netzwerkfähig: Gleichzeitige Nutzung durch mehrere Benutzer via Netzwerk oder SQL-Server möglich.

Kosten: ab 195,- € netto. Fixpreis, kein Abo.

EasyFirma - das einfache Rechnungsprogramm

Warum EasyFirma 3?

EasyFirma 3 verfügt über alle Funktionen die Sie für Ihre tägliche Büroarbeit benötigen.

Besonders einfach zu bedienen

EasyFirma 3 ist ein Rechnungsprogramm, das durch seine Benutzerfreundlichkeit besticht und speziell für die Anforderungen kleiner Unternehmen und Freiberufler konzipiert wurde. Es ist so gestaltet, dass auch Personen ohne tiefgreifende Computerkenntnisse sich mühelos zurechtfinden. Sollten dennoch Fragen auftreten, steht Ihnen unser Support-Team jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung - sei es per Telefon, E-Mail oder auch durch Fernwartung.

Ohne Folgekosten - kein Abo

Einmalzahlung garantiert! Mit der Nutzung von EasyFirma 3 entstehen Ihnen keinerlei wiederkehrende Gebühren. Sämtliche Aktualisierungen erhalten Sie ohne Zusatzkosten direkt als Online-Update. Es gibt keine Abonnementpflicht und keine verborgenen Folgekosten für die Software. Nach dem Erwerb profitieren Sie zudem von einer 2-jährigen Garantie.

E-Rechnung: Unterstützt ZUGFeRD und XRechnung

EasyFirma unterstützt auch die elektronischen Rechnungsformate ZUGFeRD und XRechnung. Damit können Sie problemlos E-Rechnungen erstellen, erhalten, validieren und archivieren.

Kundenstimmen zur Rechnungssoftware

Über 300 positive Kundenstimmen die für sich sprechen

EasyFirma hat weit über 300 positive Kundenbewertungen erhalten, die für sich sprechen. Erfahren Sie jetzt, warum EasyFirma 3 die ideale Wahl für Sie ist.

Frank Michael⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Google)
Echt gute Software und einfache Bedienung. Eine sehr gute Alternative zu teuren Komplettlösungen für große Firmen, die kein Mensch versteht 🙂 also eine tolle Lösung auch für kleinere Unternehmen.

Iwona Maj⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Amazon)
Tolle, einfache, benutzerfreundlicher und übersichtliche Rechnungsprogramm. Perfekt für kleine und große Handwerkerbetriebe. Mit EASY FIRMA habe ich alle Kundenkontaktdaten direkt auf einen Blick. Mit dem Programm lässt sich blitzschnell Rechnungen, Angeboten erstellen.

Claudius Frey⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Google)
Ich arbeite seit eineinhalb Jahren mit dieser Software und bin sehr zufrieden damit. Auch die Unterstützung klappt super. Wir hatten soeben einen Rechnerwechsel und haben problemlos eine neue kostenlose Lizenz für den neuen PC bekommen. Besser geht nicht!

Schnittstellen EasyFirma Rechnungsprogramm für Handwerker

Schnittstellen zur effizienten Verarbeitung von Daten

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